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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 141 to 150 of 860 total results
The group is dynamic and servers can leave (either voluntarily or involuntarily) and join it at any time. Every server in the group has a consistent view of which servers are the members participating actively in the group at a given moment in time.
When Group Replication's distributed recovery process is carrying out state transfer from the binary log, to synchronize the joining member with the donor up to a specific point in time, the joining member and donor make use of GTIDs (see Section ...However, GTIDs only provide a means to realize which transactions the joining member is ...
This modifier affects the performance of LOAD DATA a bit, even if no other thread is using the table at the same time. For date and time types, the column is set to the appropriate “zero” value for the type. These are the same values that result ...INTO Statement”.) To write data from a table to a file, use SELECT ...
(This is a very convenient way to get backups if you have a file system such as Veritas that can take snapshots in time.) A table lock protects only against inappropriate reads or writes by other sessions. Multiple sessions can acquire a READ lock ... LOCK TABLES tbl_name [[AS] alias] lock_type [, tbl_name [[AS] alias] lock_type] ...
Table 22.373 NDB API statistics counters Counter Name Description Status Variables (by statistic type): Session Slave Injector Server WaitExecCompleteCount Number of times thread has been blocked while waiting for execution of an operation to ... A ...
In addition, to maintain consistency and service despite the silent failure of nodes, NDB Cluster uses heartbeating and timeout mechanisms which treat an extended loss of communication from a node as node failure. This recovery can take some time, ... One of the strengths of NDB Cluster is that it can be run on commodity hardware and has no unusual requirements in this regard, other than for large amounts of RAM, due to the fact that all live data storage is done in ...
--connect-retries=# Property Value Command-Line Format --connect-retries=# Type Numeric Default Value 12 Minimum Value 0 Maximum Value 4294967295 This option specifies the number of times following the first attempt to retry a connection before ...
This is equal to the number of data nodes in the cluster at the time that the backup was created. All NDB 8.0 releases --disable-indexes Causes indexes from a backup to be ignored; may decrease time needed to restore data. This allows multiple ...
"recovery": { "cloneStartTime": "2019-07-15 12:50:22.730", "cloneState": "In Progress", "currentStage": "FILE COPY", "currentStageProgress": 61.726837675213865, "currentStageState": "In Progress" }, "recoveryStatusText": "Cloning in progress", ...
Each time you upgrade MySQL, you should execute mysql_upgrade, which looks for incompatibilities with the upgraded MySQL server: It upgrades the system tables in the mysql schema so that you can take advantage of new privileges or capabilities that ... Note As of MySQL 8.0.16, the MySQL server performs the upgrade tasks previously handled by mysql_upgrade (for details, see Section 2.11.3, “What the MySQL Upgrade Process ...
Displaying 141 to 150 of 860 total results

Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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Document créé le 26/06/2006, dernière modification le 26/10/2018
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