Due to this behavior, problems can occasionally arise when no value is provided for an option that expects one. Consider the following example, where a user connects to a MySQL server running on host tonfisk as user jon: shell> mysql --host ...
This set of Frequently Asked Questions derives from the experience of MySQL's Support and Development groups in handling many inquiries about CJK (Chinese-Japanese-Korean) issues. What problems should I be aware of when working with the Big5 ...
For additional information about properties and storage requirements of the numeric types, see Section 11.2, “Numeric Types”, and Section 11.8, “Data Type Storage Requirements”. Display width is unrelated to the range of values a type can ...
MySQL can perform boolean full-text searches using the IN BOOLEAN MODE modifier. With this modifier, certain characters have special meaning at the beginning or end of words in the search string. In the following query, the + and - operators ...
mysql> SELECT ABS(2); -> 2 mysql> SELECT ABS(-32); -> 32 This function is safe to use with BIGINT values. ACOS(X) Returns the arc cosine of X, that is, the value whose cosine is X. Returns NULL if X is not in the range -1 to 1. mysql> SELECT ...
This section describes how to use the openssl command to set up SSL certificate and key files for use by MySQL servers and clients. The first example shows a simplified procedure such as you might use from the command line. The first two examples ...
The second syntax returns the result for the first condition that is true. If no comparison or condition is true, the result after ELSE is returned, or NULL if there is no ELSE part. Note The syntax of the CASE expr described here differs slightly ...
Table 12.14 Cast Functions and Operators Name Description BINARY Cast a string to a binary string CAST() Cast a value as a certain type CONVERT() Cast a value as a certain type Cast functions and operators enable conversion of values from one data ...
Source and target tables for replication do not have to be identical. A table on the master can have more or fewer columns than the slave's copy of the table. In addition, corresponding table columns on the master and the slave can use different ...
This is a Perl script that can be used to estimate the amount of space that would be required by a MySQL database if it were converted to use the NDBCLUSTER storage engine. Unlike the other utilities discussed in this section, it does not require ...