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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 71 to 80 of 336 total results
The only delimiter recognized between a date and time part and a fractional seconds part is the decimal point. The fractional part should always be separated from the rest of the time by a decimal point; no other fractional seconds delimiter is ...
At this point, it is more important to find out a little about how to issue queries than to jump right in creating tables, loading data into them, and retrieving data from them. (Do you see the error in the statement? The string 'Smith is missing ...
Asynchronous replication can work only if the slave is able to continue reading the binary log from the point where it last read events. At that point, the slave is in synchrony with the master and the statement returns. In theory, by using a ... In ...
The remote table that a FEDERATED table points to must exist before you try to access the table through the FEDERATED table. It is possible for one FEDERATED table to point to another, but you must be careful not to create a loop. The following ...
A LineString is a Curve with linear interpolation between points. LineString Properties A LineString has coordinates of segments, defined by each consecutive pair of points. A LineString is a Line if it consists of exactly two points. LineString ...
A MultiPoint is a geometry collection composed of Point elements. MultiPoint Examples On a world map, a MultiPoint could represent a chain of small islands. On a city map, a MultiPoint could represent the outlets for a ticket office. A MultiPoint ...
mysql> SET @gc = 'GeometryCollection(Point(1 1),LineString(2 2, 3 3))'; mysql> SELECT ST_AsText(ST_GeometryN(ST_GeomFromText(@gc),1)); +-------------------------------------------------+ | ST_AsText(ST_GeometryN(ST_GeomFromText(@gc),1)) | ...Unless ...
Functions such as ST_MPointFromText() and ST_GeomFromText() that accept WKT-format representations of MultiPoint values permit individual points within values to be surrounded by parentheses. For example, both of the following function calls are ...
DATETIME A value that represents an earlier point in time is ordered before a value that represents a later point in time. If two values originally come from the MySQL DATETIME and TIMESTAMP types, respectively, they are equal if they represent the ...The JSON data type provides these advantages over storing JSON-format strings in a string column: Automatic validation of JSON documents stored in JSON ...
This occurs when the cluster has been shut down after having been in use, when it is desired for the cluster to resume operations from the point where it left off. Apply all redo information until the latest restorable global checkpoint has been ...
Displaying 71 to 80 of 336 total results

Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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Document créé le 26/06/2006, dernière modification le 26/10/2018
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