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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 11 to 20 of 119 total results
If the file name is a relative path name with one or more leading components, the server searches for the file relative to the server's data directory. If a file name with no leading components is given, the server looks for the file in the database ...INTO Syntax”.) To write data from a table to a file, use SELECT ...
Therefore, a change in the SQL mode at any time after the creation of partitioned tables may lead to major changes in the behavior of such tables, and could easily lead to corruption or loss of data. In some cases, using large numbers (hundreds) of ... This section discusses current restrictions and limitations on MySQL partitioning ...
You can use the --relay-log option to specify an alternative location, by adding a leading absolute path name to the base name to specify a different directory. You can use the --relay-log-index option to specify an alternative location, by adding a ... This section explains the server options and system variables that apply to slave replication servers and contains the following: Startup Options for Replication Slaves Options for Logging Slave Status to Tables System Variables Used on Replication Slaves Specify the options either on the command line or in an option ...
Why is cp932 needed? In MySQL, the sjis character set corresponds to the Shift_JIS character set defined by IANA, which supports JIS X0201 and JIS X0208 characters. (See However, the meaning of ...
When an error in this range originates on the server side, the server writes it to the error log, padding the error code with leading zeros to six digits and adding a prefix of MY-. When an error in this range occurs, the server writes it to the ...
Consequently, different estimates could be produced when recalculating statistics, leading to different choices in query execution plans and thus variations in query performance. Decreasing the value too much, however, could lead to the first ...
Certain keywords, such as SELECT, DELETE, or BIGINT, are reserved and require special treatment for use as identifiers such as table and column names. This may also be true for the names of built-in functions. Reserved words are permitted as ...
In order to minimize confusion with standard MySQL session variables, we refer to the variables that correspond to these NDB API session counters as “_session variables”, with a leading underscore. We refer to the related status variables as ...
(The BIT_AND(), BIT_OR(), and BIT_XOR() aggregate functions are described in Section 12.20.1, “Aggregate (GROUP BY) Function Descriptions”.) Prior to MySQL 8.0, bit functions and operators required BIGINT (64-bit integer) arguments and returned ...
A leading 0b is case sensitive and cannot be written as 0B. In numeric contexts, MySQL treats a bit literal like an integer. To ensure numeric treatment of a bit literal, use it in numeric context. For example, a bit literal assigned to a ...
Displaying 11 to 20 of 119 total results

Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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Document créé le 26/06/2006, dernière modification le 26/10/2018
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