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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 161 to 170 of 271 total results
Here, the index is created using the Population field inside the demographics object, which is indexed as an integer numeric value. mysql-py> db.countryinfo.create_index("pop",\ {"fields": [{"field": "$.demographics.Population", "type": ... Indexes ...
If the option is an integer, arg should point to the value of the integer. bool mysql_stmt_attr_get(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, enum enum_stmt_attr_type option, void *arg) Can be used to get the current value for a statement attribute. The option argument is ...
int mysql_stmt_execute(MYSQL_STMT *stmt) mysql_stmt_execute() executes the prepared query associated with the statement handler. The currently bound parameter marker values are sent to server during this call, and the server replaces the markers ...
int mysql_stmt_fetch(MYSQL_STMT *stmt) mysql_stmt_fetch() returns the next row in the result set. It can be called only while the result set exists; that is, after a call to mysql_stmt_execute() for a statement such as SELECT that produces a result ...
These types include the exact numeric data types (INTEGER, SMALLINT, DECIMAL, and NUMERIC), as well as the approximate numeric data types (FLOAT, REAL, and DOUBLE PRECISION). The keyword INT is a synonym for INTEGER, and the keywords DEC and FIXED ...MySQL treats DOUBLE as a synonym for DOUBLE PRECISION (a nonstandard ...
This is a variant of LIST partitioning that enables the use of multiple columns as partition keys, and for columns of data types other than integer types to be used as partitioning columns; you can use string types, DATE, and DATETIME columns. In ...
Even though it is permitted to use NULL as the value of an expression that must otherwise yield an integer, it is important to keep in mind that NULL is not a number. Partitioning in MySQL does nothing to disallow NULL as the value of a ...
For a RANGE partition, it contains the value set in the partition's VALUES LESS THAN clause, which can be either an integer or MAXVALUE. For a LIST partition, this column contains the values defined in the partition's VALUES IN clause, which is a ...
SQL_Remaining_Delay: When Slave_SQL_Running_State is Waiting until MASTER_DELAY seconds after master executed event, this field contains an integer indicating the number of seconds left of the delay. MySQL supports delayed replication such that a ...
If any SRID argument is not within the range of a 32-bit unsigned integer, an ER_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE error occurs. Geohash is a system for encoding latitude and longitude coordinates of arbitrary precision into a text string. Geohash values are ...
Displaying 161 to 170 of 271 total results

Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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Le manuel MySQL n'est pas encore traduit en français sur l'infobrol. Seule la version anglaise est disponible pour l'instant.

Document créé le 26/06/2006, dernière modification le 26/10/2018
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