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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 11 to 20 of 304 total results
For introductory information about full-text parser plugins, see Full-Text Parser Plugins. The instructions use the source code in the plugin/fulltext directory of MySQL source distributions, so change location into that directory. Each general ...
MAXVALUE represents an integer value that is always greater than the largest possible integer value (in mathematical language, it serves as a least upper bound). At some point in the future—when the number of stores has increased to 25, 30, or ...
CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 INT); ALTER TABLE t1 ADD COLUMN c2 INT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (c1 + 1) STORED; The data type and expression of generated columns can be modified. CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 INT, c2 INT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (c1 + 1) STORED); ALTER TABLE t1 ... ALTER TABLE operations permitted for generated columns are ADD, MODIFY, and ...
The sql/lex.h source file lists the names of these special functions for which following whitespace determines their interpretation: names defined by the SYM_FN() macro in the symbols[] array. They are interpreted as function calls only when used in ... MySQL supports built-in (native) functions, user-defined functions (UDFs), and stored ...
Prepared statements use several data structures: To obtain a statement handler, pass a MYSQL connection handler to mysql_stmt_init(), which returns a pointer to a MYSQL_STMT data structure. To specify the statement to prepare, pass the MYSQL_STMT ...To provide input parameters for a prepared statement, set up MYSQL_BIND structures and pass them to ...
You might run this statement in your setup scripts after representative data has been loaded into the table, and run it periodically after DML operations significantly change the contents of indexed columns, or on a schedule at times of low activity. After enabling persistent statistics through a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement, issue an ANALYZE TABLE statement to calculate the statistics, after loading representative data into the ... The persistent optimizer statistics feature ...
index_hint: USE {INDEX|KEY} [FOR {JOIN|ORDER BY|GROUP BY}] ([index_list]) | {IGNORE|FORCE} {INDEX|KEY} [FOR {JOIN|ORDER BY|GROUP BY}] (index_list) index_list: index_name [, index_name] ... Index hints can be specified to affect how the MySQL ...
You can also use symbolic links to point to a directory on a different disk; see Section, “Using Symbolic Links with Disk Data Objects”, for more information and examples. This is also true for dropping these objects, sibject to the ...
row *************************** Table: t1 Create Table: CREATE TABLE `t2` ( `c1` int(11) DEFAULT NULL ) /*!50100 TABLESPACE ts_1 STORAGE DISK */ ENGINE=ndbcluster DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 1 row in set (0.01 sec) To change the storage type of an ...For ...
This section describes prepared-statement support in the C API for stored procedures executed using CALL statements: Stored procedures executed using prepared CALL statements can be used in the following ways: A stored procedure can produce any ...
Displaying 11 to 20 of 304 total results

Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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Document créé le 26/06/2006, dernière modification le 26/10/2018
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