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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 51 to 60 of 118 total results
Table 12.23 GTID Functions Name Description GTID_SUBSET() Return true if all GTIDs in subset are also in set; otherwise false. The functions described in this section are used with GTID-based replication. It is important to keep in mind that all of ...
Initially, the host name is set to NULL and the flag is false. If the validation flag for the client IP entry is false, the server attempts an IP-to-host name-to-IP DNS resolution. The MySQL server maintains a host cache in memory that contains ...
value MEMBER OF(json_array) Returns true (1) if value is an element of json_array, otherwise returns false (0). The functions in this section perform search or comparison operations on JSON values to extract data from them, report whether data ...
Table 12.4 Logical Operators Name Description AND, && Logical AND NOT, ! Negates value OR, || Logical OR XOR Logical XOR In SQL, all logical operators evaluate to TRUE, FALSE, or NULL (UNKNOWN). In MySQL, these are implemented as 1 (TRUE), 0 ...
Wan Table 22.20 This table provides type and value information for the wan management node configuration parameter Property Value Version (or later) NDB 8.0.13 Type or units boolean Default false Range true, false Restart Type N Use WAN TCP setting ... The [ndb_mgmd] section is used to configure the behavior of the management ...
The table_info table provides information about logging, checkpointing, distribution, and storage options in effect for individual NDB tables. For each column, the table shows the name, data type, and a brief description.
DiskPageBufferMemory: Number of bytes on each data node allocated for the disk page buffer cache DiskSyncSize: Amount of data written to file before a synch is forced EnablePartialLcp: Enable partial LCP (true); if this disabled (false), all LCPs ...
ndb_select_all prints all rows from an NDB table to stdout. Usage ndb_select_all -c connection_string tbl_name -d db_name [> file_name] The following table includes options that are specific to the NDB Cluster native backup restoration program ...
--measured-load, -m Property Value Command-Line Format --measured-load Type Boolean Default Value FALSE Show measured load by thread. --text, -x (NDB 7.6.6 and later: -t) Property Value Command-Line Format --text Type Boolean Default Value FALSE ...
The default value for TwoPassInitialNodeRestartCopy is changed from false to true. Beginning with NDB 8.0.16, the default value of the ndb_log_bin system variable has changed from TRUE to FALSE. The following sections describe changes in the ...
Displaying 51 to 60 of 118 total results

Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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Document créé le 26/06/2006, dernière modification le 26/10/2018
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