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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 1 to 10 of 73 total results
An ENUM is a string object with a value chosen from a list of permitted values that are enumerated explicitly in the column specification at table creation time. See Section 11.8, “Data Type Storage Requirements” for the storage requirements ...
ENUM and SET columns provide an efficient way to define columns that can contain only a given set of values. See Section 11.4.4, “The ENUM Type”, and Section 11.4.5, “The SET Type”. With strict mode enabled (see Section 5.1.11, “Server ...
Column definitions for character string data types CHAR, VARCHAR, the TEXT types, ENUM, SET, and any synonyms) can specify the column character set and collation: CHARACTER SET specifies the character set. For the ENUM and SET data types, this does ...For additional information about properties and storage requirements of the string types, see Section 11.4, “String Types”, and Section 11.8, “Data Type Storage ...
If you use this column, define it as shown here: NDB$OP_TYPE ENUM('WRITE_ROW', 'UPDATE_ROW', 'DELETE_ROW', 'REFRESH_ROW', 'READ_ROW') NOT NULL The WRITE_ROW, UPDATE_ROW, and DELETE_ROW operation types represent user-initiated operations. This ...
Adding members in the middle of the list causes renumbering of existing members, which requires a table copy. Online support details, syntax examples, and usage notes for DDL operations are provided under the following topics in this section. Index ...
(The BLOB_FLAG and TIMESTAMP_FLAG flags are unneeded.) ENUM and SET values are returned as strings. For these, check that the type value is MYSQL_TYPE_STRING and that the ENUM_FLAG or SET_FLAG flag is set in the flags value. Pass the type value to ... This section describes C API data structures other than those used for prepared statements, the asychronous interface, or the replication stream ...
In MySQL, InnoDB tables support checking of foreign key constraints. See Chapter 15, The InnoDB Storage Engine, and Section, “Foreign Key Differences”. A foreign key constraint is not required merely to join two tables. It is extremely ...
There must be no tables or stored procedures with individual ENUM or SET column elements that exceed 255 characters or 1020 bytes in length. Prior to MySQL 8.0, the maximum combined length of ENUM or SET column elements was 64K. In MySQL 8.0, the ...
Trailing spaces are automatically deleted from ENUM and SET member values when the table is created. For the ENUM and SET data types, this does not occur; they are created as declared. In some cases, MySQL silently changes column specifications ...
The size of an ENUM object is determined by the number of different enumeration values. One byte is used for enumerations with up to 255 possible values. Two bytes are used for enumerations having between 256 and 65,535 possible values. InnoDB ...
Displaying 1 to 10 of 73 total results

Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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Document créé le 26/06/2006, dernière modification le 26/10/2018
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