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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 101 to 106 of 106 total results
If the distance exceeds the range of a double-precision number, an ER_STD_OVERFLOW_ERROR error occurs. The functions in this section provide convenience operations on geometry values. Unless otherwise specified, functions in this section handle ...
mysql> SELECT 10 LIKE '1%'; -> 1 Note Because MySQL uses C escape syntax in strings (for example, \n to represent a newline character), you must double any \ that you use in LIKE strings. Table 12.8 String Comparison Functions and Operators Name ...
For functions that operate on string positions, the first position is numbered 1. For functions that take length arguments, noninteger arguments are rounded to the nearest integer. ASCII(str) Returns the numeric value of the leftmost character of ...
The return value of the main function xxx() is the function value, for long long and double functions. The initialization function should return 0 if no error occurred and 1 otherwise. If an error occurs, xxx_init() should store a null-terminated ...
If you do use backslashes, double them: [mysqld] # set basedir to your installation path basedir=E:\\mysql # set datadir to the location of your data directory datadir=E:\\mydata\\data The rules for use of backslash in option file values are given ... If you need to specify startup options when you run the server, you can indicate them on the command line or place them in an option ...
If you do use backslashes, double them: [mysqld] # set basedir to your installation path basedir=C:\\Program Files\\MySQL\\MySQL Server 8.0 # set datadir to the location of your data directory datadir=D:\\MySQLdata The rules for use of backslash in ... When installing and running MySQL for the first time, you may encounter certain errors that prevent the MySQL server from ...

Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Traduction non disponible

Le manuel MySQL n'est pas encore traduit en français sur l'infobrol. Seule la version anglaise est disponible pour l'instant.

Document créé le 26/06/2006, dernière modification le 26/10/2018
Source du document imprimé :

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Table des matières Haut