The MySQL server can operate in different SQL modes, and can apply these modes differently for different clients, depending on the value of the sql_mode system variable. DBAs can set the global SQL mode to match site server operating requirements, ...
Prepared Statements in Application Programs You can use server-side prepared statements through client programming interfaces, including the MySQL C API client library for C programs, MySQL Connector/J for Java programs, and MySQL Connector/NET for ...Using prepared statements with placeholders for parameter values has the following benefits: Less overhead for parsing the statement each time it is ...
To be completely safe, ensure that your applications can no longer connect to the instance before issuing this statement to avoid any chance of stale reads. This statement requires the GROUP_REPLICATION_ADMIN privilege (or the deprecated SUPER ...
It connects to a current MySQL (not NDB Cluster) database and creates a report on how much space that database would require if it used the NDB storage engine. InnoDB Table Storage Requirements NDB Table Storage Requirements Numeric Type Storage ...
(See also Bug #16522.) Each execution of the statements contained in the body of an event takes place in a new connection; thus, these statements have no effect in a given user session on the server's statement counts such as Com_select and ...
The client should also specify the CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS option when it connects. For C programs, this can be done with the mysql_real_connect() C API function. See Section, “mysql_real_connect()”, and Section 28.7.22, “C API Multiple ... A stored routine is either a procedure or a ...
TO_BASE64(str) Converts the string argument to base-64 encoded form and returns the result as a character string with the connection character set and collation. For functions that operate on string positions, the first position is numbered 1. For ...
The host_summary_by_file_io_type and x$host_summary_by_file_io_type views have these columns: host The host from which the client connected. These views summarize file I/O, grouped by host and event type. By default, rows are sorted by host and ...
The host_summary_by_file_io and x$host_summary_by_file_io views have these columns: host The host from which the client connected. By default, rows are sorted by descending total file I/O latency. Rows for which the HOST column in the underlying ...
The host_summary_by_stages and x$host_summary_by_stages views have these columns: host The host from which the client connected. By default, rows are sorted by host and descending total latency. Rows for which the HOST column in the underlying ...