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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 661 to 670 of 721 total results
Semisynchronous replication is implemented using plugins, so the plugins must be installed into the server to make them available. After a plugin has been installed, you control it by means of the system variables associated with it. These system ...
The plugins for the semisynchronous replication capability expose several system and status variables that you can examine to determine its configuration and operational state. To check their values, use SHOW VARIABLES: mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE ...
Semisynchronous replication can be used as an alternative to asynchronous replication: A slave indicates whether it is semisynchronous-capable when it connects to the master. In addition to the built-in asynchronous replication, MySQL 8.0 supports ...
Start the slave threads: mysql> START SLAVE; After you have performed this procedure, the slave connects to the master and replicates any updates that have occurred on the master since the snapshot was taken. Before you proceed, ensure that you ...
To import the data, either copy the dump file to the slave, or access the file from the master when connecting remotely to the slave. If the master database contains existing data it is necessary to copy this data to each slave. There are different ...
Replication is asynchronous by default; slaves do not need to be connected permanently to receive updates from the master. Replication enables data from one MySQL database server (the master) to be copied to one or more MySQL database servers (the ...
To verify that, connect to the server and execute this statement: mysql> SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE 'rewriter_enabled'; +------------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +------------------+-------+ | rewriter_enabled | ON | ... Note If ...
Specifying a role with a non-'%' host part can be useful if you intend to create a name that works both as a role an as a user account that is permitted to connect from the given host. MySQL role names refer to roles, which are named collections of ...
Have your application connect to the database using a user name different from the one you use for administrative purposes. Applications that access MySQL should not trust any data entered by users, who can try to trick your code by entering ...
The MySQL server, mysqld, has many command options and system variables that can be set at startup to configure its operation. To determine the default command option and system variable values used by the server, execute this command: shell> ...
Displaying 661 to 670 of 721 total results

Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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Document créé le 26/06/2006, dernière modification le 26/10/2018
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