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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 651 to 660 of 721 total results
There are several ways to specify options for MySQL programs: List the options on the command line following the program name. This is common for options that apply to a specific invocation of the program. List the options in an option file that ...
This section describes client programs that connect to the MySQL server.
However, if a slave is not connected and you happen to purge one of the log files it has yet to read, the slave will be unable to replicate after it reconnects. PURGE { BINARY | MASTER } LOGS { TO 'log_name' | BEFORE datetime_expr } The binary log ...
To address the issue, connect to the slave manually and determine the cause of the problem. If a statement produces the same error (identical error code) on both the master and the slave, the error is logged, but replication continues. If a ...
Setting the variable globally takes effect for clients that connect after the change, but not for any current client sessions, including the session where the variable setting was changed. Replication works because events written to the binary log ...
Ensure that all of the binary log files are processed using a single mysql process, rather than multiple connections. There are a number of techniques when using MySQL Replication with Global Transaction Identifiers (GTIDs) for provisioning a new ...
To configure the slave to start the replication process at the correct point, you need to note the master's current coordinates within its binary log. Warning This procedure uses FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK, which blocks COMMIT operations for ...
If you use a circular replication topology where multiple servers may have write clients, perform step 2 for each master-slave connection, until you have completed the full circle. This section explains how to monitor a replication topology and ...
RESET SLAVE makes the slave forget its replication position, and clears the relay log, but it does not change any replication connection parameters (such as the master host) or replication filters. The RESET SLAVE statement can be used to reset a ...
However, problems arise when modifications done to nontransactional tables on behalf of a transaction become immediately visible to other connections because these changes may not be written immediately into the binary log. Startup Options Used ...
Displaying 651 to 660 of 721 total results

Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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Document créé le 26/06/2006, dernière modification le 26/10/2018
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