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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 641 to 650 of 721 total results
A “login path” is an option group containing options that specify which MySQL server to connect to and which account to authenticate as. Most MySQL programs that support option files handle the following options. Because these options affect ...
For example, [client] is the appropriate group to use to specify the password for connecting to the server. Most MySQL programs can read startup options from option files (sometimes called configuration files). Option files provide a convenient way ...
An alternative to storing the password in the master info repository is to use the START SLAVE statement to specify credentials for connecting to the master. Passwords can be written as plain text in SQL statements such as CREATE USER, GRANT and ...
The following sections describe tables that do not fall into the table categories discussed in the preceding sections: host_cache: Information from the internal host cache. user_defined_functions: User-defined functions registered by a server ...
The Performance Schema instruments stages, which are steps during the statement-execution process, such as parsing a statement, opening a table, or performing a filesort operation. Stages correspond to the thread states displayed by SHOW ...
status_by_host has HOST and VARIABLE_NAME columns to summarize status variables by the host from which clients connected. FLUSH STATUS adds the session status from all active sessions to the global status variables, resets the status of all active ... The Performance Schema makes status variable information available in the tables described in Section 26.12.15, “Performance Schema Status Variable ...
Memory Caches: Different applications respond better to some memory caching strategies than others, so although some memory caches are common to all storage engines (such as those used for user connections), others are uniquely defined only when a ... A MySQL pluggable storage engine is the component in the MySQL database server that is responsible for performing the actual data I/O operations for a database as well as enabling and enforcing certain feature sets that target a specific application ...
This is used, for example, by authentication plugins where a server-side plugin and a client-side plugin cooperate to enable clients to connect to the server through a variety of authentication methods. MySQL supports a plugin API that enables ...
If auto-reconnect is enabled, the client is not notified that the connection was lost. PREPARE stmt_name FROM preparable_stmt The PREPARE statement prepares a SQL statement and assigns it a name, stmt_name, by which to refer to the statement later.
You can test whether the new socket location works by attempting to connect to the server with this command: shell> mysqladmin --socket=/path/to/socket version . The default location for the Unix socket file that the server uses for communication ...
Displaying 641 to 650 of 721 total results

Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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Document créé le 26/06/2006, dernière modification le 26/10/2018
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