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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 521 to 530 of 721 total results
For LAST_INSERT_ID(), the most recently generated ID is maintained in the server on a per-connection basis. For information on obtaining the auto-incremented value when using Connector/J, see Retrieving AUTO_INCREMENT Column Values through JDBC. For ... If you insert a record into a table that contains an AUTO_INCREMENT column, you can obtain the value stored into that column by calling the mysql_insert_id() ...
A MultiPoint is a geometry collection composed of Point elements. MultiPoint Examples On a world map, a MultiPoint could represent a chain of small islands. On a city map, a MultiPoint could represent the outlets for a ticket office. A MultiPoint ...
To use the UDFs, connect to a member of the running group and issue the UDF with the SELECT statement. You can configure an online group while Group Replication is running by using a set of UDFs, which rely on a group action coordinator. These UDFs ...
After this, the joining member connects to an online existing member to carry out state transfer. Whenever a member joins or rejoins a replication group, it must catch up with the transactions that were applied by the group members before it ...
Where the network is unstable and members frequently lose and regain connection to each other in different combinations, it is theoretically possible for a group to end up marking all its members for expulsion, after which the group would cease to ... Group Replication includes a failure detection mechanism that is able to find and report which servers are silent and as such assumed to be ...
However, if a member leaves the group involuntarily, for example because it has stopped unexpectedly or the network connection is down, it cannot initiate the reconfiguration. In MySQL Group Replication, a set of servers forms a replication group.
In the event that you decide to install the plugin manually, connect to the server and issue the following: INSTALL PLUGIN group_replication SONAME ''; Important The mysql.session user must exist before you can load Group ...
The TCP peer-to-peer nature of the interconnections between N participants in the group makes the sender send the same amount of data N times. For messages sent between online group members, Group Replication enables message compression by default.
If a member stops accepting write transactions, for example in the event of a server crash, clients connected to it can be redirected, or failed over, to any other member that is in read-write mode. Group Replication does not handle client-side ...
For example, you can connect to a single server in the group and obtain both local and global information by issuing select statements on the Group Replication related Performance Schema tables. There is a lot of automation built into the Group ...
Displaying 521 to 530 of 721 total results

Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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Document créé le 26/06/2006, dernière modification le 26/10/2018
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