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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 481 to 490 of 721 total results
Among the MySQL Connectors, MySQL Connector/J 5.0.0 and higher supports XA directly, by means of a class interface that handles the XA SQL statement interface for you. A client program that connects to the MySQL server acts as the Transaction ...
To kill a session or statement that is executing with the SYSTEM_USER privilege, your own session must have the SYSTEM_USER privilege, in addition to any other required privilege (CONNECTION_ADMIN or the deprecated SUPER privilege). Prior to MySQL ... As of MySQL 8.0.16, MySQL incorporates the concept of user account categories, based on the SYSTEM_USER ...
ALTER TABLE tbl_name [alter_specification [, alter_specification] ...] [partition_options] alter_specification: table_options | ADD [COLUMN] col_name column_definition [FIRST | AFTER col_name] | ADD [COLUMN] (col_name column_definition,...) | ADD ...
This section describes how to install or uninstall MySQL Enterprise Audit, which is implemented using the audit log plugin and related components described in Section, “Audit Log Components”. For general information about installing ...
A client application is connected to the primary via MySQL Router. It is important to back up your databases so that you can recover your data and be up and running again in case problems occur, such as system crashes, hardware failures, or users ...
In the previous sections, you used mysql interactively to enter statements and view the results. If you want the script to continue even if some of the statements in it produce errors, you should use the --force command-line option. Why use a ...
The following system variables, when used with session scope (only), do not cause the logging format to switch: auto_increment_increment auto_increment_offset character_set_client character_set_connection character_set_database character_set_server ... When running in MIXED logging format, the server automatically switches from statement-based to row-based logging under the following conditions: When a function contains ...
You can select the binary logging format explicitly by starting the MySQL server with --binlog-format=type. The supported values for type are: STATEMENT causes logging to be statement based. The logging format also can be switched at runtime, ...
The following list summarizes the functions available for asynchronous interaction with the MySQL server. For greater detail, see the descriptions in Section 28.7.14, “C API Asynchronous Function Descriptions”. mysql_real_query_nonblocking(): ...
Program notes: mysql is assumed to be a valid connection handler. The following sections provide detailed descriptions of the functions that enable reading the stream of replication events from a MySQL server binary log. The following simple ...
Displaying 481 to 490 of 721 total results

Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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Document créé le 26/06/2006, dernière modification le 26/10/2018
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