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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 441 to 450 of 719 total results
The original cluster has four data nodes, with the node IDs and host names shown in the following extract from the management server's config.ini file: [ndbd]NodeId=2 HostName=host2 [ndbd] NodeId=4 HostName=host4 [ndbd] NodeId=6 HostName=host6 ...
When a MySQL client or the mysqld server receives a packet bigger than max_allowed_packet bytes, it issues an ER_NET_PACKET_TOO_LARGE error and closes the connection. With some clients, you may also get a Lost connection to MySQL server during query ... A communication packet is a single SQL statement sent to the MySQL server, a single row that is sent to the client, or a binary log event sent from a master replication server to a ...
When you run a client program to connect to the MySQL server, it is inadvisable to specify your password in a way that exposes it to discovery by other users. The file can be read later by MySQL client programs to obtain authentication credentials ... MySQL users should use the following guidelines to keep passwords ...
They provide event names and explanatory notes or status information: cond_instances: Condition synchronization object instances file_instances: File instances mutex_instances: Mutex synchronization object instances rwlock_instances: Lock ...There ...
These tests attempt to connect to the local MySQL server using the default user name and password. The default password is “no password.”) If you cannot connect to the server with those values (for example, if your account has a password), the ... MySQL Perl support requires that you have installed MySQL client programming support (libraries and header ...
Examples: SET PERSIST max_connections = 1000; SET @@PERSIST.max_connections = 1000; SET PERSIST_ONLY back_log = 100; SET @@PERSIST_ONLY.back_log = 100; MySQL also provides a RESET PERSIST statement for removing persisted system variables from ...
Plugins on the server side implement authentication methods for use by clients when they connect to the server. A server-side authentication plugin can return to the server the name of the user whose identity the connecting user should have. The ...
For EXPLAIN FOR CONNECTION, the output changes as follows if index dives are skipped: For traditional output, the rows and filtered values are NULL. Without FOR CONNECTION, EXPLAIN output does not change when index dives are skipped. The range ...
You can use MySQL Router 8.0.19 and later to bootstrap against a replica set, in the same way that InnoDB cluster can be bootstrapped. The only difference in the generated MySQL Router configuration file is the addition of the cluster_type option.
replication_connection_status: current status of the connection to the master, provides information on the last and current transaction the connection thread queued into the relay log. MySQL supports delayed replication such that a slave server ...
Displaying 441 to 450 of 719 total results

Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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Le manuel MySQL n'est pas encore traduit en français sur l'infobrol. Seule la version anglaise est disponible pour l'instant.

Document créé le 26/06/2006, dernière modification le 26/10/2018
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