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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 311 to 320 of 716 total results
The following tables list sys schema objects and provide a short description of each one.
These views summarize statement activity, file I/O, and connections, grouped by user. unique_hosts The number of distinct hosts from which connections for the user have originated. The user_summary and x$user_summary views have these columns: user ...
The following commands provide simple tests to check whether the server is up and responding to connections: shell> bin/mysqladmin version shell> bin/mysqladmin variables If you cannot connect to the server, specify a -u root option to connect as ...
The default thread-handling model in MySQL Server executes statements using one thread per client connection. As more clients connect to the server and execute statements, overall performance degrades. The plugin implements a thread pool that ...
(See Section 4.2.2, “Specifying Program Options”.) The server also maintains a set of session variables for each client that connects. The client's session variables are initialized at connect time using the current values of the corresponding ... The MySQL server maintains many system variables that configure its ...
Based on the type of statements it will issue (for example, reads versus writes), a client selects an appropriate server and connects to it. The client-side logic for detecting version token errors and selecting a new server can be implemented ...
If a client attempts to connect to a locked account, the attempt fails. The server increments the Locked_connects status variable that indicates the number of attempts to connect to a locked account, returns an ER_ACCOUNT_HAS_BEEN_LOCKED error, and ... MySQL supports locking and unlocking user accounts using the ACCOUNT LOCK and ACCOUNT UNLOCK clauses for the CREATE USER and ALTER USER statements: When used with CREATE USER, these clauses specify the initial locking state for a new ...
MySQL account names consist of a user name and a host name, which enables creation of distinct accounts for users with the same user name who can connect from different hosts. The user name part of an account name is either a nonblank value that ...
If you cannot get the procedure to work, you should install the ODBC driver instead and connect to the MySQL server through ODBC: use DBI; $dbh= DBI->connect("DBI:ODBC:$dsn",$user,$password) || die "Got error $DBI::errstr when connecting to $dsn\n"; ... On Windows, you should do the following to install the MySQL DBD module with ActiveState Perl: Get ActiveState Perl from and install ...
MySQL Shell connects to the target instance using the same user name and password used to obtain the ReplicaSet handle object. You specify the instance as a URI-like connection string, see Section 4.2.5, “Connecting to the Server Using URI-Like ...
Displaying 311 to 320 of 716 total results

Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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Le manuel MySQL n'est pas encore traduit en français sur l'infobrol. Seule la version anglaise est disponible pour l'instant.

Document créé le 26/06/2006, dernière modification le 26/10/2018
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