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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 301 to 310 of 710 total results
report_port: Port for connecting to slave reported to the master during slave registration report_user: An arbitrary user name that a slave server should report to the master. The following two lists provide basic information about the MySQL ...
Restart them with the --skip-slave-start option so that they do not connect to the master. If you restart the master, you might also want to disallow client connections. For example, if all clients connect using TCP/IP, enable the skip_networking ...
A global status variable may represent status for some aspect of the server itself (for example, Aborted_connects), or the aggregated status over all connections to MySQL (for example, Bytes_received and Bytes_sent). With a SESSION modifier, the ...
These are the values used to initialize the corresponding session variables for new connections to MySQL. With a SESSION modifier, the statement displays the system variable values that are in effect for the current connection. SHOW [GLOBAL | ...
START SLAVE [thread_types] [until_option] [connection_options] [channel_option] thread_types: [thread_type [, thread_type] ... ] thread_type: IO_THREAD | SQL_THREAD until_option: UNTIL { {SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS | SQL_AFTER_GTIDS} = gtid_set | ...uuid: ...
These views summarize statement activity, file I/O, and connections, grouped by host. The host_summary and x$host_summary views have these columns: host The host from which the client connected. Rows for which the HOST column in the underlying ...
See Section 12.22, “Performance Schema Functions” Returns the Performance Schema thread ID assigned to a given connection ID, or the thread ID for the current connection if the connection ID is NULL. in_connection_id BIGINT UNSIGNED: The ID of ... Note As of MySQL 8.0.16, ps_thread_id() is deprecated and will be removed in a future MySQL ...
The following tables list sys schema objects and provide a short description of each one.
These views summarize statement activity, file I/O, and connections, grouped by user. unique_hosts The number of distinct hosts from which connections for the user have originated. The user_summary and x$user_summary views have these columns: user ...
The following commands provide simple tests to check whether the server is up and responding to connections: shell> bin/mysqladmin version shell> bin/mysqladmin variables If you cannot connect to the server, specify a -u root option to connect as ...
Displaying 301 to 310 of 710 total results

Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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Le manuel MySQL n'est pas encore traduit en français sur l'infobrol. Seule la version anglaise est disponible pour l'instant.

Document créé le 26/06/2006, dernière modification le 26/10/2018
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