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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 201 to 210 of 702 total results
When the read_only system variable is enabled, GRANT additionally requires the CONNECTION_ADMIN or SUPER privilege. Normally, a database administrator first uses CREATE USER to create an account and define its nonprivilege characteristics such as ...
Note that when the joining member has restarted at the end of the operation, it establishes a connection with a new donor for state transfer from the binary log, which might be a different member from the original donor used for the remote cloning ... Group Replication's distributed recovery process has a number of built-in measures to ensure fault tolerance in the event of any problems during the ...
2013-09-24T13:04:38.639684Z 49 [Note] Slave I/O thread: connected to master 'root@localhost:13000', replication started in log '0.000001' at position 114 This example demonstrates how to test the InnoDB memcached replication configuration using the ... Because the daemon_memcached plugin supports the MySQL binary log, updates made on a master server through the memcached interface can be replicated for backup, balancing intensive read workloads, and high ...
Support for IPv6 in MySQL includes these capabilities: MySQL Server can accept TCP/IP connections from clients connecting over IPv6. For example, this command connects over IPv6 to the MySQL server on the local host: shell> mysql -h ::1 To use this ...To change the default configuration, start the server with the bind_address system variable set to an appropriate ...
Migration always occurs on the local host, so the option always specifies a value for connecting to a local server, such as localhost,, ::1, or the local host IP address or host name. --keyring-migration-password[=password] Property Value ... MySQL supports the following keyring-related command-line options: --keyring-migration-destination=plugin Property Value Command-Line Format --keyring-migration-destination=plugin_name Introduced 8.0.4 Type String The destination keyring plugin for key ...
AutoReconnect: Specifies whether an API node should reconnect fully when disconnected from cluster. ConnectBackoffMaxTime: Specifies longest time in milliseconds (~100ms resolution) to allow between connection attempts to any given data node by this ... The listing in this section provides information about parameters used in the [mysqld] and [api] sections of a config.ini file for configuring NDB Cluster SQL nodes and API ...
Because network speed and latency have a direct impact on the cluster's efficiency, it is also not advisable to employ SSL or other encryption to network connections between nodes, as such schemes will effectively slow communications. However, this ... In this section, we discuss basic network security issues as they relate to NDB ...
Beginning with NDB Cluster 8.0.14, NDB uses the MySQL data dictionary to make sure that disk data files and related constructs such as tablespaces and log file groups are correctly distributed between all connected SQL nodes. When a MySQL Server ...
This enables the character set to remain synchronized on the client and server if mysql is run with auto-reconnect enabled (which is not recommended), because the specified character set is used for reconnects. (See the description for the ... mysql ...
Input-Line Editing Disabling Interactive History Unicode Support on Windows Displaying Query Results Vertically Using Safe-Updates Mode (--safe-updates) Disabling mysql Auto-Reconnect mysql Client Parser Versus Server Parser Input-Line Editing mysql ... This section provides information about techniques for more effective use of mysql and about mysql operational ...
Displaying 201 to 210 of 702 total results

Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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Document créé le 26/06/2006, dernière modification le 26/10/2018
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