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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 121 to 130 of 701 total results
InnoDB cluster was designed to operate with MySQL Shell, which enables you to perform advanced cluster administration, and MySQL Router to automate the connections made between client applications and server instances. Test Connection Use this ...
After you have installed and started MySQL server, connect MySQL Shell to the server instance. You need to know the address of the MySQL server instance you plan to connect to. To be able to use the instance as a Document Store, the server instance ... This quick-start guide assumes a certain level of familiarity with MySQL ...
When you connect to a MySQL server, you should use a password. All other information is transferred as text, and can be read by anyone who is able to watch the connection. If the connection between the client and the server goes through an ...You ...
The socket_instances table provides a real-time snapshot of the active connections to the MySQL server. The table contains one row per TCP/IP or Unix socket file connection. Information available in this table provides a real-time snapshot of the ...(Additional information is available in socket summary tables, including network activity such as socket operations and number of bytes transmitted and received; see Section, “Socket Summary ...
Mysqlx_aborted_clients The number of clients that were disconnected because of an input or output error. Mysqlx_ssl_cipher_list A list of possible SSL ciphers (empty for non-SSL connections). If the bind has failed, or if the skip_networking option ...
When a connection arrives, the audit log plugin determines which filter to use for the new session by searching for the user account name in the current filter assignments: If a filter is assigned to the user, the audit log uses that filter. Suppose ... Note This section describes how audit log filtering works if the audit log plugin and the accompanying audit tables and UDFs are ...
MySQL Connectors provide connectivity to the MySQL server for client programs. Both Connectors and the APIs enable you to connect and execute MySQL statements from another language or environment, including ODBC, Java (JDBC), Perl, Python, PHP, ...
Servers in a group connect to the other servers in the group by opening a peer-to-peer TCP connection. These connections are only used for internal communication and message passing between servers in the group. Yes, but the network connection ...
Start the client with --protocol=TCP to connect using TCP/IP, --protocol=SOCKET to connect using a Unix socket file, --protocol=PIPE to connect using a named pipe, or --protocol=MEMORY to connect using shared memory. For TCP/IP connections, you may ...On Unix, set the MYSQL_UNIX_PORT and MYSQL_TCP_PORT environment variables to point to the Unix socket file and TCP/IP port number before you start your ...
The -c option is used to specify a connection string which tells ndb_restore where to locate the cluster management server (see Section, “NDB Cluster Connection Strings”). If this option is not used, then ndb_restore attempts to connect ... The NDB Cluster restoration program is implemented as a separate command-line utility ndb_restore, which can normally be found in the MySQL bin ...
Displaying 121 to 130 of 701 total results

Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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Le manuel MySQL n'est pas encore traduit en français sur l'infobrol. Seule la version anglaise est disponible pour l'instant.

Document créé le 26/06/2006, dernière modification le 26/10/2018
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