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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 31 to 40 of 62 total results
myisamchk supports the following options for table repair operations (operations performed when an option such as --recover or --safe-recover is given): --backup, -B Make a backup of the .MYD file as file_name-time.BAK --character-sets-dir=dir_name ...
The myisamchk utility gets information about your database tables or checks, repairs, or optimizes them. myisamchk works with MyISAM tables (tables that have .MYD and .MYI files for storing data and indexes). You can also use the CHECK TABLE and ...
This also calculates a key checksum for the rows and verifies this with a calculated checksum for the keys. To verify the entire contents of an InnoDB .ibd file, use the innochecksum command. option: { FOR UPGRADE | QUICK | FAST | MEDIUM | EXTENDED ...
To ensure that keys are flushed only when the correct keyring storage file exists, keyring_aws stores a SHA-256 checksum of the keyring in the file. Before updating the file, the plugin verifies that it contains the expected checksum. Note The ...
To ensure that keys are flushed only when the correct keyring storage file exists, keyring_encrypted_file stores a SHA-256 checksum of the keyring in the file. Before updating the file, the plugin verifies that it contains the expected checksum.
In this section we provide a detailed example illustrating how to add new NDB Cluster data nodes online, starting with an NDB Cluster having 2 data nodes in a single node group and concluding with a cluster having 4 data nodes in 2 node groups.
To ensure that keys are flushed only when the correct keyring storage file exists, keyring_file stores a SHA-256 checksum of the keyring in the file. Before updating the file, the plugin verifies that it contains the expected checksum. The ...
server_id=1 gtid_mode=ON enforce_gtid_consistency=ON binlog_checksum=NONE These settings configure the server to use the unique identifier number 1, to enable Section 17.1.3, “Replication with Global Transaction Identifiers”, to allow execution ... This section explains the configuration settings required for MySQL Server instances that you want to use for Group ...
MySQL administrative and utility programs: innochecksum An offline InnoDB offline file checksum utility. Later sections provide a more detailed description of each one, with the exception of NDB Cluster programs. Each program's description indicates ...
SHOW TABLE STATUS [{FROM | IN} db_name] [LIKE 'pattern' | WHERE expr] SHOW TABLE STATUS works likes SHOW TABLES, but provides a lot of information about each non-TEMPORARY table. You can also get this list using the mysqlshow --status db_name ...
Displaying 31 to 40 of 62 total results

Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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Le manuel MySQL n'est pas encore traduit en français sur l'infobrol. Seule la version anglaise est disponible pour l'instant.

Document créé le 26/06/2006, dernière modification le 26/10/2018
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