The COLLATE clause has high precedence (higher than ||), so the following two expressions are equivalent: x || y COLLATE z x || (y COLLATE z) .
With the COLLATE clause, you can override whatever the default collation is for a comparison.
In the great majority of statements, it is obvious what collation MySQL uses to resolve a comparison operation. For example, in the following cases, it should be clear that the collation is the collation of column x: SELECT x FROM T ORDER BY x; ...
Each character set has one or more collations, but each collation is associated with one and only one character set. Therefore, the following statement causes an error message because the latin2_bin collation is not legal with the latin1 character ...
The second column shows the result of the SELECT using the German DIN-1 rule, which says that U-umlaut sorts with U. The third column shows the result of the SELECT using the German DIN-2 rule, which says that U-umlaut sorts with UE.
MySQL implements several types of collations: Simple collations for 8-bit character sets This kind of collation is implemented using an array of 256 weights that defines a one-to-one mapping from character codes to weights. It is a case-insensitive ...
String columns in INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables have a collation of utf8_general_ci, which is case insensitive. However, for values that correspond to objects that are represented in the file system, such as databases and tables, searches in ...
MySQL collation names follow these conventions: A collation name starts with the name of the character set with which it is associated, generally followed by one or more suffixes indicating other collation characteristics. For example, ...
The following sections discuss various aspects of character set collations.
If CHARACTER SET charset_name is specified without COLLATE, character set charset_name and its default collation are used. Every “character” column (that is, a column of type CHAR, VARCHAR, a TEXT type, or any synonym) has a column character ...