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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 31 to 40 of 93 total results
Communications between NDB cluster nodes are normally handled using TCP/IP. The shared memory (SHM) transporter is distinguished by the fact that signals are transmitted by writing in memory rather than on a socket. The shared-memory transporter ...
TCP/IP is the default transport mechanism for all connections between nodes in an NDB Cluster. Normally it is not necessary to define TCP/IP connections; NDB Cluster automatically sets up such connections for all data nodes, management nodes, and ...
But no error occurs, so the exit code is 0: shell> mysqld --validate-config --log_error_verbosity=2 --read-only=s --transaction_read_only=s 2018-11-05T15:43:18.445863Z 0 [Warning] [MY-000076] [Server] option 'read_only': boolean value 's' was not ...
clearReadOnly - a boolean value used to confirm that super_read_only should be set to off, see Super Read-only and Instances. interactive - a boolean value used to disable the interactive wizards in the command execution, so that prompts are not ...
The following table lists all status variables applicable within mysqld. The last column indicates whether the scope for each variable is Global, Session, or both. Please see the corresponding item descriptions for details on setting and using the ...
--show-slave-auth-info Property Value Command-Line Format --show-slave-auth-info[={OFF|ON}] Type Boolean Default Value OFF Display slave user names and passwords in the output of SHOW SLAVE HOSTS on the master server for slaves started with the ...
If you really need to search for such common words, it would be better to search using IN BOOLEAN MODE instead, which does not observe the 50% threshold. To change the operators used for boolean full-text searches on MyISAM tables, set the ...You ...
Although FULLTEXT indexes on ucs2 columns cannot be used, you can perform IN BOOLEAN MODE searches on a ucs2 column that has no such index. The MATCH() column list must match exactly the column list in some FULLTEXT index definition for the table, ... Full-text searches are supported for InnoDB and MyISAM tables ...
in_start_fresh BOOLEAN: Whether to reset all Performance Schema data before tracing. in_auto_setup BOOLEAN: Whether to disable all other threads and enable all instruments and consumers. Dumps all Performance Schema data for an instrumented thread ...
--delete-orphans Property Value Command-Line Format --delete-orphans Type Boolean Default Value FALSE Remove orphaned BLOB parts from NDB Cluster tables. --verbose Property Value Command-Line Format --verbose Type Boolean Default Value FALSE Provide ... This tool can be used to check for and remove orphaned BLOB column parts from NDB tables, as well as to generate a file listing any orphaned ...
Displaying 31 to 40 of 93 total results

Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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Document créé le 26/06/2006, dernière modification le 26/10/2018
Source du document imprimé :

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