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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 41 to 50 of 132 total results
Data Types Many data types: signed/unsigned integers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8 bytes long, FLOAT, DOUBLE, CHAR, VARCHAR, BINARY, VARBINARY, TEXT, BLOB, DATE, TIME, DATETIME, TIMESTAMP, YEAR, SET, ENUM, and OpenGIS spatial types. An index may use a prefix of ... This section describes some of the important characteristics of the MySQL Database ...
The following table lists all command-line options, system variables, and status variables applicable within mysqld. The table lists command-line options (Cmd-line), options valid in configuration files (Option file), server system variables ...
The following table lists all system variables applicable within mysqld. The table lists command-line options (Cmd-line), options valid in configuration files (Option file), server system variables (System Var), and status variables (Status var) in ...
noblob: Log all columns (same as full), except for BLOB and TEXT columns that are not required to identify rows, or that have not changed. To maximize the amount of space saved, use binlog_row_image=NOBLOB or binlog_row_image=MINIMAL together with ... Startup Options Used with Binary Logging System Variables Used with Binary Logging You can use the mysqld options and system variables that are described in this section to affect the operation of the binary log as well as to control which statements are written to the binary ...
You can increase this if the server needs to handle big queries (for example, if you are working with big BLOB columns). You can also get strange problems with large packets if you are using large BLOB values but have not given mysqld access to ...
Includes all execute() calls as well as implicit executes for blob operations and auto-increment not visible to clients. This count includes blob-part table operations, implicit unlocking operations, and auto-increment operations, as well as primary ... A number of types of statistical counters relating to actions performed by or affecting Ndb objects are ...
Deterministic UDFs that generate large BLOB values take longer to replicate with row-based replication than with statement-based replication. This is because the BLOB column value is logged, rather than the statement generating the data. For most ...
The NDB storage engine is implemented using a distributed, shared-nothing architecture, which causes it to behave differently from InnoDB in a number of ways. For those unaccustomed to working with NDB, unexpected behaviors can arise due to its ...
The [ndbd] and [ndbd default] sections are used to configure the behavior of the cluster's data nodes. [ndbd] and [ndbd default] are always used as the section names whether you are using ndbd or ndbmtd binaries for the data node processes. There ...
There are two exceptions to this restriction: When partitioning by [LINEAR] KEY, it is possible to use columns of any valid MySQL data type other than TEXT or BLOB as partitioning keys, because the internal key-hashing functions produce the correct ... This section discusses current restrictions and limitations on MySQL partitioning ...
Displaying 41 to 50 of 132 total results

Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Traduction non disponible

Le manuel MySQL n'est pas encore traduit en français sur l'infobrol. Seule la version anglaise est disponible pour l'instant.

Document créé le 26/06/2006, dernière modification le 26/10/2018
Source du document imprimé :

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