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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

A.2 MySQL 8.0 FAQ: Storage Engines

A.2.1. Where can I obtain complete documentation for MySQL storage engines?
A.2.2. Are there any new storage engines in MySQL 8.0?
A.2.3. Have any storage engines been removed in MySQL 8.0?
A.2.4. Can I prevent the use of a particular storage engine?
A.2.5. Is there an advantage to using the InnoDB storage engine exclusively, as opposed to a combination of InnoDB and non-InnoDB storage engines?
A.2.6. What are the unique benefits of the ARCHIVE storage engine?


Where can I obtain complete documentation for MySQL storage engines?

See Chapter 16, Alternative Storage Engines. That chapter contains information about all MySQL storage engines except for the InnoDB storage engine and the NDB storage engine (used for MySQL Cluster). InnoDB is covered in Chapter 15, The InnoDB Storage Engine. NDB is covered in Chapter 22, MySQL NDB Cluster 8.0.


Are there any new storage engines in MySQL 8.0?

No. InnoDB is the default storage engine for new tables. See Section 15.1, “Introduction to InnoDB” for details.


Have any storage engines been removed in MySQL 8.0?

The PARTITION storage engine plugin which provided partitioning support is replaced by a native partitioning handler. As part of this change, the server can no longer be built using -DWITH_PARTITION_STORAGE_ENGINE. partition is also no longer displayed in the output of SHOW PLUGINS, or shown in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PLUGINS table.

In order to support partitioning of a given table, the storage engine used for the table must now provide its own (native) partitioning handler. InnoDB is the only storage engine supported in MySQL 8.0 that includes a native partitioning handler. An attempt to create partitioned tables in MySQL 8.0 using any other storage engine fails. (The NDB storage engine used by MySQL Cluster also provides its own partitioning handler, but is currently not supported by MySQL 8.0.)


Can I prevent the use of a particular storage engine?

Yes. The disabled_storage_engines configuration option defines which storage engines cannot be used to create tables or tablespaces. By default, disabled_storage_engines is empty (no engines disabled), but it can be set to a comma-separated list of one or more engines.


Is there an advantage to using the InnoDB storage engine exclusively, as opposed to a combination of InnoDB and non-InnoDB storage engines?

Yes. Using InnoDB tables exclusively can simplify backup and recovery operations. MySQL Enterprise Backup does a hot backup of all tables that use the InnoDB storage engine. For tables using MyISAM or other non-InnoDB storage engines, it does a warm backup, where the database continues to run, but those tables cannot be modified while being backed up. See Section 30.2, “MySQL Enterprise Backup Overview”.


What are the unique benefits of the ARCHIVE storage engine?

The ARCHIVE storage engine stores large amounts of data without indexes; it has a small footprint, and performs selects using table scans. See Section 16.5, “The ARCHIVE Storage Engine”, for details.

Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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Document créé le 26/06/2006, dernière modification le 26/10/2018
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