
Class JList<E>

    • Constructor Detail

      • JList

        public JList(ListModel<E> dataModel)
        Constructs a JList that displays elements from the specified, non-null, model. All JList constructors delegate to this one.

        This constructor registers the list with the ToolTipManager, allowing for tooltips to be provided by the cell renderers.

        dataModel - the model for the list
        IllegalArgumentException - if the model is null
      • JList

        public JList(E[] listData)
        Constructs a JList that displays the elements in the specified array. This constructor creates a read-only model for the given array, and then delegates to the constructor that takes a ListModel.

        Attempts to pass a null value to this method results in undefined behavior and, most likely, exceptions. The created model references the given array directly. Attempts to modify the array after constructing the list results in undefined behavior.

        listData - the array of Objects to be loaded into the data model, non-null
      • JList

        public JList(Vector<? extends E> listData)
        Constructs a JList that displays the elements in the specified Vector. This constructor creates a read-only model for the given Vector, and then delegates to the constructor that takes a ListModel.

        Attempts to pass a null value to this method results in undefined behavior and, most likely, exceptions. The created model references the given Vector directly. Attempts to modify the Vector after constructing the list results in undefined behavior.

        listData - the Vector to be loaded into the data model, non-null
      • JList

        public JList()
        Constructs a JList with an empty, read-only, model.
    • Method Detail

      • getUI

        public ListUI getUI()
        Returns the ListUI, the look and feel object that renders this component.
        the ListUI object that renders this component
      • getPrototypeCellValue

        public E getPrototypeCellValue()
        Returns the "prototypical" cell value -- a value used to calculate a fixed width and height for cells. This can be null if there is no such value.
        the value of the prototypeCellValue property
        See Also:
      • setPrototypeCellValue

        public void setPrototypeCellValue(E prototypeCellValue)
        Sets the prototypeCellValue property, and then (if the new value is non-null), computes the fixedCellWidth and fixedCellHeight properties by requesting the cell renderer component for the given value (and index 0) from the cell renderer, and using that component's preferred size.

        This method is useful when the list is too long to allow the ListUI to compute the width/height of each cell, and there is a single cell value that is known to occupy as much space as any of the others, a so-called prototype.

        While all three of the prototypeCellValue, fixedCellHeight, and fixedCellWidth properties may be modified by this method, PropertyChangeEvent notifications are only sent when the prototypeCellValue property changes.

        To see an example which sets this property, see the class description above.

        The default value of this property is null.

        This is a JavaBeans bound property.

        prototypeCellValue - the value on which to base fixedCellWidth and fixedCellHeight
        See Also:
        getPrototypeCellValue(), setFixedCellWidth(int), setFixedCellHeight(int), Container.addPropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener)
      • getFixedCellWidth

        public int getFixedCellWidth()
        Returns the value of the fixedCellWidth property.
        the fixed cell width
        See Also:
      • getFixedCellHeight

        public int getFixedCellHeight()
        Returns the value of the fixedCellHeight property.
        the fixed cell height
        See Also:
      • setCellRenderer

        public void setCellRenderer(ListCellRenderer<? super E> cellRenderer)
        Sets the delegate that is used to paint each cell in the list. The job of a cell renderer is discussed in detail in the class level documentation.

        If the prototypeCellValue property is non-null, setting the cell renderer also causes the fixedCellWidth and fixedCellHeight properties to be re-calculated. Only one PropertyChangeEvent is generated however - for the cellRenderer property.

        The default value of this property is provided by the ListUI delegate, i.e. by the look and feel implementation.

        This is a JavaBeans bound property.

        cellRenderer - the ListCellRenderer that paints list cells
        See Also:
      • getSelectionForeground

        public Color getSelectionForeground()
        Returns the color used to draw the foreground of selected items. DefaultListCellRenderer uses this color to draw the foreground of items in the selected state, as do the renderers installed by most ListUI implementations.
        the color to draw the foreground of selected items
        See Also:
        setSelectionForeground(java.awt.Color), DefaultListCellRenderer
      • getSelectionBackground

        public Color getSelectionBackground()
        Returns the color used to draw the background of selected items. DefaultListCellRenderer uses this color to draw the background of items in the selected state, as do the renderers installed by most ListUI implementations.
        the color to draw the background of selected items
        See Also:
        setSelectionBackground(java.awt.Color), DefaultListCellRenderer
      • getVisibleRowCount

        public int getVisibleRowCount()
        Returns the value of the visibleRowCount property. See the documentation for setVisibleRowCount(int) for details on how to interpret this value.
        the value of the visibleRowCount property.
        See Also:
      • setVisibleRowCount

        public void setVisibleRowCount(int visibleRowCount)
        Sets the visibleRowCount property, which has different meanings depending on the layout orientation: For a VERTICAL layout orientation, this sets the preferred number of rows to display without requiring scrolling; for other orientations, it affects the wrapping of cells.

        In VERTICAL orientation:
        Setting this property affects the return value of the getPreferredScrollableViewportSize() method, which is used to calculate the preferred size of an enclosing viewport. See that method's documentation for more details.

        In HORIZONTAL_WRAP and VERTICAL_WRAP orientations:
        This affects how cells are wrapped. See the documentation of setLayoutOrientation(int) for more details.

        The default value of this property is 8.

        Calling this method with a negative value results in the property being set to 0.

        This is a JavaBeans bound property.

        visibleRowCount - an integer specifying the preferred number of rows to display without requiring scrolling
        See Also:
        getVisibleRowCount(), getPreferredScrollableViewportSize(), setLayoutOrientation(int), JComponent.getVisibleRect(), JViewport
      • getLayoutOrientation

        public int getLayoutOrientation()
        Returns the layout orientation property for the list: VERTICAL if the layout is a single column of cells, VERTICAL_WRAP if the layout is "newspaper style" with the content flowing vertically then horizontally, or HORIZONTAL_WRAP if the layout is "newspaper style" with the content flowing horizontally then vertically.
        the value of the layoutOrientation property
        See Also:
      • setLayoutOrientation

        public void setLayoutOrientation(int layoutOrientation)
        Defines the way list cells are layed out. Consider a JList with five cells. Cells can be layed out in one of the following ways:

         VERTICAL:          0
         HORIZONTAL_WRAP:   0  1  2
                            3  4
         VERTICAL_WRAP:     0  3
                            1  4

        A description of these layouts follows:



        VERTICAL Cells are layed out vertically in a single column.
        HORIZONTAL_WRAP Cells are layed out horizontally, wrapping to a new row as necessary. If the visibleRowCount property is less than or equal to zero, wrapping is determined by the width of the list; otherwise wrapping is done in such a way as to ensure visibleRowCount rows in the list.
        VERTICAL_WRAP Cells are layed out vertically, wrapping to a new column as necessary. If the visibleRowCount property is less than or equal to zero, wrapping is determined by the height of the list; otherwise wrapping is done at visibleRowCount rows.


        The default value of this property is VERTICAL.

        layoutOrientation - the new layout orientation, one of: VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL_WRAP or VERTICAL_WRAP
        IllegalArgumentException - if layoutOrientation isn't one of the allowable values
        See Also:
        getLayoutOrientation(), setVisibleRowCount(int), getScrollableTracksViewportHeight(), getScrollableTracksViewportWidth()
      • getFirstVisibleIndex

        public int getFirstVisibleIndex()
        Returns the smallest list index that is currently visible. In a left-to-right componentOrientation, the first visible cell is found closest to the list's upper-left corner. In right-to-left orientation, it is found closest to the upper-right corner. If nothing is visible or the list is empty, -1 is returned. Note that the returned cell may only be partially visible.
        the index of the first visible cell
        See Also:
        getLastVisibleIndex(), JComponent.getVisibleRect()
      • getLastVisibleIndex

        public int getLastVisibleIndex()
        Returns the largest list index that is currently visible. If nothing is visible or the list is empty, -1 is returned. Note that the returned cell may only be partially visible.
        the index of the last visible cell
        See Also:
        getFirstVisibleIndex(), JComponent.getVisibleRect()
      • ensureIndexIsVisible

        public void ensureIndexIsVisible(int index)
        Scrolls the list within an enclosing viewport to make the specified cell completely visible. This calls scrollRectToVisible with the bounds of the specified cell. For this method to work, the JList must be within a JViewport.

        If the given index is outside the list's range of cells, this method results in nothing.

        index - the index of the cell to make visible
        See Also:
        JComponent.scrollRectToVisible(java.awt.Rectangle), JComponent.getVisibleRect()
      • setDragEnabled

        public void setDragEnabled(boolean b)
        Turns on or off automatic drag handling. In order to enable automatic drag handling, this property should be set to true, and the list's TransferHandler needs to be non-null. The default value of the dragEnabled property is false.

        The job of honoring this property, and recognizing a user drag gesture, lies with the look and feel implementation, and in particular, the list's ListUI. When automatic drag handling is enabled, most look and feels (including those that subclass BasicLookAndFeel) begin a drag and drop operation whenever the user presses the mouse button over an item and then moves the mouse a few pixels. Setting this property to true can therefore have a subtle effect on how selections behave.

        If a look and feel is used that ignores this property, you can still begin a drag and drop operation by calling exportAsDrag on the list's TransferHandler.

        b - whether or not to enable automatic drag handling
        HeadlessException - if b is true and GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() returns true
        See Also:
        GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless(), getDragEnabled(), JComponent.setTransferHandler(javax.swing.TransferHandler), TransferHandler
      • getDragEnabled

        public boolean getDragEnabled()
        Returns whether or not automatic drag handling is enabled.
        the value of the dragEnabled property
        See Also:
      • setDropMode

        public final void setDropMode(DropMode dropMode)
        Sets the drop mode for this component. For backward compatibility, the default for this property is DropMode.USE_SELECTION. Usage of one of the other modes is recommended, however, for an improved user experience. DropMode.ON, for instance, offers similar behavior of showing items as selected, but does so without affecting the actual selection in the list.

        JList supports the following drop modes:

        • DropMode.USE_SELECTION
        • DropMode.ON
        • DropMode.INSERT
        • DropMode.ON_OR_INSERT
        The drop mode is only meaningful if this component has a TransferHandler that accepts drops.
        dropMode - the drop mode to use
        IllegalArgumentException - if the drop mode is unsupported or null
        See Also:
        getDropMode(), getDropLocation(), JComponent.setTransferHandler(javax.swing.TransferHandler), TransferHandler
      • getDropLocation

        public final JList.DropLocation getDropLocation()
        Returns the location that this component should visually indicate as the drop location during a DnD operation over the component, or null if no location is to currently be shown.

        This method is not meant for querying the drop location from a TransferHandler, as the drop location is only set after the TransferHandler's canImport has returned and has allowed for the location to be shown.

        When this property changes, a property change event with name "dropLocation" is fired by the component.

        By default, responsibility for listening for changes to this property and indicating the drop location visually lies with the list's ListUI, which may paint it directly and/or install a cell renderer to do so. Developers wishing to implement custom drop location painting and/or replace the default cell renderer, may need to honor this property.

        the drop location
        See Also:
        setDropMode(javax.swing.DropMode), TransferHandler.canImport(TransferHandler.TransferSupport)
      • getNextMatch

        public int getNextMatch(String prefix,
                       int startIndex,
                       Position.Bias bias)
        Returns the next list element whose toString value starts with the given prefix.
        prefix - the string to test for a match
        startIndex - the index for starting the search
        bias - the search direction, either Position.Bias.Forward or Position.Bias.Backward.
        the index of the next list element that starts with the prefix; otherwise -1
        IllegalArgumentException - if prefix is null or startIndex is out of bounds
      • getToolTipText

        public String getToolTipText(MouseEvent event)
        Returns the tooltip text to be used for the given event. This overrides JComponent's getToolTipText to first check the cell renderer component for the cell over which the event occurred, returning its tooltip text, if any. This implementation allows you to specify tooltip text on the cell level, by using setToolTipText on your cell renderer component.

        Note: For JList to properly display the tooltips of its renderers in this manner, JList must be a registered component with the ToolTipManager. This registration is done automatically in the constructor. However, if at a later point JList is unregistered, by way of a call to setToolTipText(null), tips from the renderers will no longer display.

        getToolTipText in class JComponent
        event - the MouseEvent to fetch the tooltip text for
        See Also:
        JComponent.setToolTipText(java.lang.String), JComponent.getToolTipText()
      • locationToIndex

        public int locationToIndex(Point location)
        Returns the cell index closest to the given location in the list's coordinate system. To determine if the cell actually contains the specified location, compare the point against the cell's bounds, as provided by getCellBounds. This method returns -1 if the model is empty

        This is a cover method that delegates to the method of the same name in the list's ListUI. It returns -1 if the list has no ListUI.

        location - the coordinates of the point
        the cell index closest to the given location, or -1
      • indexToLocation

        public Point indexToLocation(int index)
        Returns the origin of the specified item in the list's coordinate system. This method returns null if the index isn't valid.

        This is a cover method that delegates to the method of the same name in the list's ListUI. It returns null if the list has no ListUI.

        index - the cell index
        the origin of the cell, or null
      • getCellBounds

        public Rectangle getCellBounds(int index0,
                              int index1)
        Returns the bounding rectangle, in the list's coordinate system, for the range of cells specified by the two indices. These indices can be supplied in any order.

        If the smaller index is outside the list's range of cells, this method returns null. If the smaller index is valid, but the larger index is outside the list's range, the bounds of just the first index is returned. Otherwise, the bounds of the valid range is returned.

        This is a cover method that delegates to the method of the same name in the list's ListUI. It returns null if the list has no ListUI.

        index0 - the first index in the range
        index1 - the second index in the range
        the bounding rectangle for the range of cells, or null
      • getModel

        public ListModel<E> getModel()
        Returns the data model that holds the list of items displayed by the JList component.
        the ListModel that provides the displayed list of items
        See Also:
      • setModel

        public void setModel(ListModel<E> model)
        Sets the model that represents the contents or "value" of the list, notifies property change listeners, and then clears the list's selection.

        This is a JavaBeans bound property.

        model - the ListModel that provides the list of items for display
        IllegalArgumentException - if model is null
        See Also:
        getModel(), clearSelection()
      • setListData

        public void setListData(E[] listData)
        Constructs a read-only ListModel from an array of items, and calls setModel with this model.

        Attempts to pass a null value to this method results in undefined behavior and, most likely, exceptions. The created model references the given array directly. Attempts to modify the array after invoking this method results in undefined behavior.

        listData - an array of E containing the items to display in the list
        See Also:
      • setListData

        public void setListData(Vector<? extends E> listData)
        Constructs a read-only ListModel from a Vector and calls setModel with this model.

        Attempts to pass a null value to this method results in undefined behavior and, most likely, exceptions. The created model references the given Vector directly. Attempts to modify the Vector after invoking this method results in undefined behavior.

        listData - a Vector containing the items to display in the list
        See Also:
      • fireSelectionValueChanged

        protected void fireSelectionValueChanged(int firstIndex,
                                     int lastIndex,
                                     boolean isAdjusting)
        Notifies ListSelectionListeners added directly to the list of selection changes made to the selection model. JList listens for changes made to the selection in the selection model, and forwards notification to listeners added to the list directly, by calling this method.

        This method constructs a ListSelectionEvent with this list as the source, and the specified arguments, and sends it to the registered ListSelectionListeners.

        firstIndex - the first index in the range, <= lastIndex
        lastIndex - the last index in the range, >= firstIndex
        isAdjusting - whether or not this is one in a series of multiple events, where changes are still being made
        See Also:
        addListSelectionListener(javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener), removeListSelectionListener(javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener), ListSelectionEvent, EventListenerList
      • addListSelectionListener

        public void addListSelectionListener(ListSelectionListener listener)
        Adds a listener to the list, to be notified each time a change to the selection occurs; the preferred way of listening for selection state changes. JList takes care of listening for selection state changes in the selection model, and notifies the given listener of each change. ListSelectionEvents sent to the listener have a source property set to this list.
        listener - the ListSelectionListener to add
        See Also:
        getSelectionModel(), getListSelectionListeners()
      • setSelectionModel

        public void setSelectionModel(ListSelectionModel selectionModel)
        Sets the selectionModel for the list to a non-null ListSelectionModel implementation. The selection model handles the task of making single selections, selections of contiguous ranges, and non-contiguous selections.

        This is a JavaBeans bound property.

        selectionModel - the ListSelectionModel that implements the selections
        IllegalArgumentException - if selectionModel is null
        See Also:
      • setSelectionMode

        public void setSelectionMode(int selectionMode)
        Sets the selection mode for the list. This is a cover method that sets the selection mode directly on the selection model.

        The following list describes the accepted selection modes:

        • ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION - Only one list index can be selected at a time. In this mode, setSelectionInterval and addSelectionInterval are equivalent, both replacing the current selection with the index represented by the second argument (the "lead").
        • ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION - Only one contiguous interval can be selected at a time. In this mode, addSelectionInterval behaves like setSelectionInterval (replacing the current selection}, unless the given interval is immediately adjacent to or overlaps the existing selection, and can be used to grow the selection.
        • ListSelectionModel.MULTIPLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION - In this mode, there's no restriction on what can be selected. This mode is the default.
        selectionMode - the selection mode
        IllegalArgumentException - if the selection mode isn't one of those allowed
        See Also:
      • getSelectionMode

        public int getSelectionMode()
        Returns the current selection mode for the list. This is a cover method that delegates to the method of the same name on the list's selection model.
        the current selection mode
        See Also:
      • getAnchorSelectionIndex

        public int getAnchorSelectionIndex()
        Returns the anchor selection index. This is a cover method that delegates to the method of the same name on the list's selection model.
        the anchor selection index
        See Also:
      • getLeadSelectionIndex

        public int getLeadSelectionIndex()
        Returns the lead selection index. This is a cover method that delegates to the method of the same name on the list's selection model.
        the lead selection index
        See Also:
      • getMinSelectionIndex

        public int getMinSelectionIndex()
        Returns the smallest selected cell index, or -1 if the selection is empty. This is a cover method that delegates to the method of the same name on the list's selection model.
        the smallest selected cell index, or -1
        See Also:
      • getMaxSelectionIndex

        public int getMaxSelectionIndex()
        Returns the largest selected cell index, or -1 if the selection is empty. This is a cover method that delegates to the method of the same name on the list's selection model.
        the largest selected cell index
        See Also:
      • isSelectedIndex

        public boolean isSelectedIndex(int index)
        Returns true if the specified index is selected, else false. This is a cover method that delegates to the method of the same name on the list's selection model.
        index - index to be queried for selection state
        true if the specified index is selected, else false
        See Also:
        ListSelectionModel.isSelectedIndex(int), setSelectedIndex(int)
      • isSelectionEmpty

        public boolean isSelectionEmpty()
        Returns true if nothing is selected, else false. This is a cover method that delegates to the method of the same name on the list's selection model.
        true if nothing is selected, else false
        See Also:
        ListSelectionModel.isSelectionEmpty(), clearSelection()
      • clearSelection

        public void clearSelection()
        Clears the selection; after calling this method, isSelectionEmpty will return true. This is a cover method that delegates to the method of the same name on the list's selection model.
        See Also:
        ListSelectionModel.clearSelection(), isSelectionEmpty()
      • setValueIsAdjusting

        public void setValueIsAdjusting(boolean b)
        Sets the selection model's valueIsAdjusting property. When true, upcoming changes to selection should be considered part of a single change. This property is used internally and developers typically need not call this method. For example, when the model is being updated in response to a user drag, the value of the property is set to true when the drag is initiated and set to false when the drag is finished. This allows listeners to update only when a change has been finalized, rather than handling all of the intermediate values.

        You may want to use this directly if making a series of changes that should be considered part of a single change.

        This is a cover method that delegates to the method of the same name on the list's selection model. See the documentation for ListSelectionModel.setValueIsAdjusting(boolean) for more details.

        b - the new value for the property
        See Also:
        ListSelectionModel.setValueIsAdjusting(boolean), ListSelectionEvent.getValueIsAdjusting(), getValueIsAdjusting()
      • getValueIsAdjusting

        public boolean getValueIsAdjusting()
        Returns the value of the selection model's isAdjusting property.

        This is a cover method that delegates to the method of the same name on the list's selection model.

        the value of the selection model's isAdjusting property.
        See Also:
        setValueIsAdjusting(boolean), ListSelectionModel.getValueIsAdjusting()
      • getSelectedIndex

        public int getSelectedIndex()
        Returns the smallest selected cell index; the selection when only a single item is selected in the list. When multiple items are selected, it is simply the smallest selected index. Returns -1 if there is no selection.

        This method is a cover that delegates to getMinSelectionIndex.

        the smallest selected cell index
        See Also:
        getMinSelectionIndex(), addListSelectionListener(javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener)
      • getSelectedValue

        public E getSelectedValue()
        Returns the value for the smallest selected cell index; the selected value when only a single item is selected in the list. When multiple items are selected, it is simply the value for the smallest selected index. Returns null if there is no selection.

        This is a convenience method that simply returns the model value for getMinSelectionIndex.

        the first selected value
        See Also:
        getMinSelectionIndex(), getModel(), addListSelectionListener(javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener)
      • setSelectedValue

        public void setSelectedValue(Object anObject,
                            boolean shouldScroll)
        Selects the specified object from the list.
        anObject - the object to select
        shouldScroll - true if the list should scroll to display the selected object, if one exists; otherwise false
      • getPreferredScrollableViewportSize

        public Dimension getPreferredScrollableViewportSize()
        Computes the size of viewport needed to display visibleRowCount rows. The value returned by this method depends on the layout orientation:

        This is trivial if both fixedCellWidth and fixedCellHeight have been set (either explicitly or by specifying a prototype cell value). The width is simply the fixedCellWidth plus the list's horizontal insets. The height is the fixedCellHeight multiplied by the visibleRowCount, plus the list's vertical insets.

        If either fixedCellWidth or fixedCellHeight haven't been specified, heuristics are used. If the model is empty, the width is the fixedCellWidth, if greater than 0, or a hard-coded value of 256. The height is the fixedCellHeight multiplied by visibleRowCount, if fixedCellHeight is greater than 0, otherwise it is a hard-coded value of 16 multiplied by visibleRowCount.

        If the model isn't empty, the width is the preferred size's width, typically the width of the widest list element. The height is the fixedCellHeight multiplied by the visibleRowCount, plus the list's vertical insets.

        This method simply returns the value from getPreferredSize. The list's ListUI is expected to override getPreferredSize to return an appropriate value.

        Specified by:
        getPreferredScrollableViewportSize in interface Scrollable
        a dimension containing the size of the viewport needed to display visibleRowCount rows
        See Also:
        getPreferredScrollableViewportSize(), setPrototypeCellValue(E)
      • getScrollableUnitIncrement

        public int getScrollableUnitIncrement(Rectangle visibleRect,
                                     int orientation,
                                     int direction)
        Returns the distance to scroll to expose the next or previous row (for vertical scrolling) or column (for horizontal scrolling).

        For horizontal scrolling, if the layout orientation is VERTICAL, then the list's font size is returned (or 1 if the font is null).

        Specified by:
        getScrollableUnitIncrement in interface Scrollable
        visibleRect - the view area visible within the viewport
        orientation - SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL or SwingConstants.VERTICAL
        direction - less or equal to zero to scroll up/back, greater than zero for down/forward
        the "unit" increment for scrolling in the specified direction; always positive
        IllegalArgumentException - if visibleRect is null, or orientation isn't one of SwingConstants.VERTICAL or SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL
        See Also:
        getScrollableBlockIncrement(java.awt.Rectangle, int, int), Scrollable.getScrollableUnitIncrement(java.awt.Rectangle, int, int)
      • getScrollableBlockIncrement

        public int getScrollableBlockIncrement(Rectangle visibleRect,
                                      int orientation,
                                      int direction)
        Returns the distance to scroll to expose the next or previous block.

        For vertical scrolling, the following rules are used:

        • if scrolling down, returns the distance to scroll so that the last visible element becomes the first completely visible element
        • if scrolling up, returns the distance to scroll so that the first visible element becomes the last completely visible element
        • returns visibleRect.height if the list is empty

        For horizontal scrolling, when the layout orientation is either VERTICAL_WRAP or HORIZONTAL_WRAP:

        • if scrolling right, returns the distance to scroll so that the last visible element becomes the first completely visible element
        • if scrolling left, returns the distance to scroll so that the first visible element becomes the last completely visible element
        • returns visibleRect.width if the list is empty

        For horizontal scrolling and VERTICAL orientation, returns visibleRect.width.

        Note that the value of visibleRect must be the equal to this.getVisibleRect().

        Specified by:
        getScrollableBlockIncrement in interface Scrollable
        visibleRect - the view area visible within the viewport
        orientation - SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL or SwingConstants.VERTICAL
        direction - less or equal to zero to scroll up/back, greater than zero for down/forward
        the "block" increment for scrolling in the specified direction; always positive
        IllegalArgumentException - if visibleRect is null, or orientation isn't one of SwingConstants.VERTICAL or SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL
        See Also:
        getScrollableUnitIncrement(java.awt.Rectangle, int, int), Scrollable.getScrollableBlockIncrement(java.awt.Rectangle, int, int)
      • getScrollableTracksViewportWidth

        public boolean getScrollableTracksViewportWidth()
        Returns true if this JList is displayed in a JViewport and the viewport is wider than the list's preferred width, or if the layout orientation is HORIZONTAL_WRAP and visibleRowCount <= 0; otherwise returns false.

        If false, then don't track the viewport's width. This allows horizontal scrolling if the JViewport is itself embedded in a JScrollPane.

        Specified by:
        getScrollableTracksViewportWidth in interface Scrollable
        whether or not an enclosing viewport should force the list's width to match its own
        See Also:
      • getScrollableTracksViewportHeight

        public boolean getScrollableTracksViewportHeight()
        Returns true if this JList is displayed in a JViewport and the viewport is taller than the list's preferred height, or if the layout orientation is VERTICAL_WRAP and visibleRowCount <= 0; otherwise returns false.

        If false, then don't track the viewport's height. This allows vertical scrolling if the JViewport is itself embedded in a JScrollPane.

        Specified by:
        getScrollableTracksViewportHeight in interface Scrollable
        whether or not an enclosing viewport should force the list's height to match its own
        See Also:
      • paramString

        protected String paramString()
        Returns a String representation of this JList. This method is intended to be used only for debugging purposes, and the content and format of the returned String may vary between implementations. The returned String may be empty, but may not be null.
        paramString in class JComponent
        a String representation of this JList.
      • getAccessibleContext

        public AccessibleContext getAccessibleContext()
        Gets the AccessibleContext associated with this JList. For JList, the AccessibleContext takes the form of an AccessibleJList.

        A new AccessibleJList instance is created if necessary.

        Specified by:
        getAccessibleContext in interface Accessible
        getAccessibleContext in class JComponent
        an AccessibleJList that serves as the AccessibleContext of this JList

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Document créé le 16/09/2006, dernière modification le 04/03/2020
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  1. Consulter le document html Langue du document :fr Manuel PHP :, JList

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