
Class ImageTypeSpecifier

  • public class ImageTypeSpecifier
    extends Object
    A class that allows the format of an image (in particular, its SampleModel and ColorModel) to be specified in a convenient manner.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field and Description
      protected ColorModel colorModel
      The ColorModel to be used as a prototype.
      protected SampleModel sampleModel
      A SampleModel to be used as a prototype.


    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      static ImageTypeSpecifier createBanded(ColorSpace colorSpace, int[] bankIndices, int[] bandOffsets, int dataType, boolean hasAlpha, boolean isAlphaPremultiplied)
      Returns a specifier for a banded image format that will use a ComponentColorModel and a BandedSampleModel to store each channel in a separate array.
      BufferedImage createBufferedImage(int width, int height)
      Creates a BufferedImage with a given width and height according to the specification embodied in this object.
      static ImageTypeSpecifier createFromBufferedImageType(int bufferedImageType)
      Returns an ImageTypeSpecifier that encodes one of the standard BufferedImage types (other than TYPE_CUSTOM).
      static ImageTypeSpecifier createFromRenderedImage(RenderedImage image)
      Returns an ImageTypeSpecifier that encodes the layout of a RenderedImage (which may be a BufferedImage).
      static ImageTypeSpecifier createGrayscale(int bits, int dataType, boolean isSigned)
      Returns a specifier for a grayscale image format that will pack pixels of the given bit depth into array elements of the specified data type.
      static ImageTypeSpecifier createGrayscale(int bits, int dataType, boolean isSigned, boolean isAlphaPremultiplied)
      Returns a specifier for a grayscale plus alpha image format that will pack pixels of the given bit depth into array elements of the specified data type.
      static ImageTypeSpecifier createIndexed(byte[] redLUT, byte[] greenLUT, byte[] blueLUT, byte[] alphaLUT, int bits, int dataType)
      Returns a specifier for an indexed-color image format that will pack index values of the given bit depth into array elements of the specified data type.
      static ImageTypeSpecifier createInterleaved(ColorSpace colorSpace, int[] bandOffsets, int dataType, boolean hasAlpha, boolean isAlphaPremultiplied)
      Returns a specifier for an interleaved image format that will use a ComponentColorModel and a PixelInterleavedSampleModel to store each pixel component in a separate byte, short, or int.
      static ImageTypeSpecifier createPacked(ColorSpace colorSpace, int redMask, int greenMask, int blueMask, int alphaMask, int transferType, boolean isAlphaPremultiplied)
      Returns a specifier for a packed image format that will use a DirectColorModel and a packed SampleModel to store each pixel packed into in a single byte, short, or int.
      boolean equals(Object o)
      Returns true if the given Object is an ImageTypeSpecifier and has a SampleModel and ColorModel that are equal to those of this object.
      int getBitsPerBand(int band)
      Return the number of bits used to represent samples of the given band.
      int getBufferedImageType()
      Returns an int containing one of the enumerated constant values describing image formats from BufferedImage.
      ColorModel getColorModel()
      Returns the ColorModel specified by this object.
      int getNumBands()
      Return the number of bands specified by this object.
      int getNumComponents()
      Return the number of color components specified by this object.
      SampleModel getSampleModel()
      Returns a SampleModel based on the settings encapsulated within this object.
      SampleModel getSampleModel(int width, int height)
      Returns a SampleModel based on the settings encapsulated within this object.
      int hashCode()
      Returns the hash code for this ImageTypeSpecifier.


    • Field Detail

      • colorModel

        protected ColorModel colorModel
        The ColorModel to be used as a prototype.
      • sampleModel

        protected SampleModel sampleModel
        A SampleModel to be used as a prototype.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ImageTypeSpecifier

        public ImageTypeSpecifier(ColorModel colorModel,
                          SampleModel sampleModel)
        Constructs an ImageTypeSpecifier directly from a ColorModel and a SampleModel. It is the caller's responsibility to supply compatible parameters.
        colorModel - a ColorModel.
        sampleModel - a SampleModel.
        IllegalArgumentException - if either parameter is null.
        IllegalArgumentException - if sampleModel is not compatible with colorModel.
      • ImageTypeSpecifier

        public ImageTypeSpecifier(RenderedImage image)
        Constructs an ImageTypeSpecifier from a RenderedImage. If a BufferedImage is being used, one of the factory methods createFromRenderedImage or createFromBufferedImageType should be used instead in order to get a more accurate result.
        image - a RenderedImage.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the argument is null.
    • Method Detail

      • createPacked

        public static ImageTypeSpecifier createPacked(ColorSpace colorSpace,
                                      int redMask,
                                      int greenMask,
                                      int blueMask,
                                      int alphaMask,
                                      int transferType,
                                      boolean isAlphaPremultiplied)
        Returns a specifier for a packed image format that will use a DirectColorModel and a packed SampleModel to store each pixel packed into in a single byte, short, or int.
        colorSpace - the desired ColorSpace.
        redMask - a contiguous mask indicated the position of the red channel.
        greenMask - a contiguous mask indicated the position of the green channel.
        blueMask - a contiguous mask indicated the position of the blue channel.
        alphaMask - a contiguous mask indicated the position of the alpha channel.
        transferType - the desired SampleModel transfer type.
        isAlphaPremultiplied - true if the color channels will be premultipled by the alpha channel.
        an ImageTypeSpecifier with the desired characteristics.
        IllegalArgumentException - if colorSpace is null.
        IllegalArgumentException - if colorSpace is not of type TYPE_RGB.
        IllegalArgumentException - if no mask has at least 1 bit set.
        IllegalArgumentException - if transferType if not one of DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE, DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT, or DataBuffer.TYPE_INT.
      • createInterleaved

        public static ImageTypeSpecifier createInterleaved(ColorSpace colorSpace,
                                           int[] bandOffsets,
                                           int dataType,
                                           boolean hasAlpha,
                                           boolean isAlphaPremultiplied)
        Returns a specifier for an interleaved image format that will use a ComponentColorModel and a PixelInterleavedSampleModel to store each pixel component in a separate byte, short, or int.
        colorSpace - the desired ColorSpace.
        bandOffsets - an array of ints indicating the offsets for each band.
        dataType - the desired data type, as one of the enumerations from the DataBuffer class.
        hasAlpha - true if an alpha channel is desired.
        isAlphaPremultiplied - true if the color channels will be premultipled by the alpha channel.
        an ImageTypeSpecifier with the desired characteristics.
        IllegalArgumentException - if colorSpace is null.
        IllegalArgumentException - if bandOffsets is null.
        IllegalArgumentException - if dataType is not one of the legal DataBuffer.TYPE_* constants.
        IllegalArgumentException - if bandOffsets.length does not equal the number of color space components, plus 1 if hasAlpha is true.
      • createBanded

        public static ImageTypeSpecifier createBanded(ColorSpace colorSpace,
                                      int[] bankIndices,
                                      int[] bandOffsets,
                                      int dataType,
                                      boolean hasAlpha,
                                      boolean isAlphaPremultiplied)
        Returns a specifier for a banded image format that will use a ComponentColorModel and a BandedSampleModel to store each channel in a separate array.
        colorSpace - the desired ColorSpace.
        bankIndices - an array of ints indicating the bank in which each band will be stored.
        bandOffsets - an array of ints indicating the starting offset of each band within its bank.
        dataType - the desired data type, as one of the enumerations from the DataBuffer class.
        hasAlpha - true if an alpha channel is desired.
        isAlphaPremultiplied - true if the color channels will be premultipled by the alpha channel.
        an ImageTypeSpecifier with the desired characteristics.
        IllegalArgumentException - if colorSpace is null.
        IllegalArgumentException - if bankIndices is null.
        IllegalArgumentException - if bandOffsets is null.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the lengths of bankIndices and bandOffsets differ.
        IllegalArgumentException - if bandOffsets.length does not equal the number of color space components, plus 1 if hasAlpha is true.
        IllegalArgumentException - if dataType is not one of the legal DataBuffer.TYPE_* constants.
      • createGrayscale

        public static ImageTypeSpecifier createGrayscale(int bits,
                                         int dataType,
                                         boolean isSigned)
        Returns a specifier for a grayscale image format that will pack pixels of the given bit depth into array elements of the specified data type.
        bits - the number of bits per gray value (1, 2, 4, 8, or 16).
        dataType - the desired data type, as one of the enumerations from the DataBuffer class.
        isSigned - true if negative values are to be represented.
        an ImageTypeSpecifier with the desired characteristics.
        IllegalArgumentException - if bits is not one of 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16.
        IllegalArgumentException - if dataType is not one of DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE, DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT, or DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT.
        IllegalArgumentException - if bits is larger than the bit size of the given dataType.
      • createGrayscale

        public static ImageTypeSpecifier createGrayscale(int bits,
                                         int dataType,
                                         boolean isSigned,
                                         boolean isAlphaPremultiplied)
        Returns a specifier for a grayscale plus alpha image format that will pack pixels of the given bit depth into array elements of the specified data type.
        bits - the number of bits per gray value (1, 2, 4, 8, or 16).
        dataType - the desired data type, as one of the enumerations from the DataBuffer class.
        isSigned - true if negative values are to be represented.
        isAlphaPremultiplied - true if the luminance channel will be premultipled by the alpha channel.
        an ImageTypeSpecifier with the desired characteristics.
        IllegalArgumentException - if bits is not one of 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16.
        IllegalArgumentException - if dataType is not one of DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE, DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT, or DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT.
        IllegalArgumentException - if bits is larger than the bit size of the given dataType.
      • createIndexed

        public static ImageTypeSpecifier createIndexed(byte[] redLUT,
                                       byte[] greenLUT,
                                       byte[] blueLUT,
                                       byte[] alphaLUT,
                                       int bits,
                                       int dataType)
        Returns a specifier for an indexed-color image format that will pack index values of the given bit depth into array elements of the specified data type.
        redLUT - an array of bytes containing the red values for each index.
        greenLUT - an array of bytes containing * the green values for each index.
        blueLUT - an array of bytes containing the blue values for each index.
        alphaLUT - an array of bytes containing the alpha values for each index, or null to create a fully opaque LUT.
        bits - the number of bits in each index.
        dataType - the desired output type, as one of the enumerations from the DataBuffer class.
        an ImageTypeSpecifier with the desired characteristics.
        IllegalArgumentException - if redLUT is null.
        IllegalArgumentException - if greenLUT is null.
        IllegalArgumentException - if blueLUT is null.
        IllegalArgumentException - if bits is not one of 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the non-null LUT parameters do not have lengths of exactly 1 << bits.
        IllegalArgumentException - if dataType is not one of DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE, DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT, DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT, or DataBuffer.TYPE_INT.
        IllegalArgumentException - if bits is larger than the bit size of the given dataType.
      • createFromRenderedImage

        public static ImageTypeSpecifier createFromRenderedImage(RenderedImage image)
        Returns an ImageTypeSpecifier that encodes the layout of a RenderedImage (which may be a BufferedImage).
        image - a RenderedImage.
        an ImageTypeSpecifier with the desired characteristics.
        IllegalArgumentException - if image is null.
      • getNumComponents

        public int getNumComponents()
        Return the number of color components specified by this object. This is the same value as returned by ColorModel.getNumComponents
        the number of components in the image.
      • getNumBands

        public int getNumBands()
        Return the number of bands specified by this object. This is the same value as returned by SampleModel.getNumBands
        the number of bands in the image.
      • getBitsPerBand

        public int getBitsPerBand(int band)
        Return the number of bits used to represent samples of the given band.
        band - the index of the band to be queried, as an int.
        an int specifying a number of bits.
        IllegalArgumentException - if band is negative or greater than the largest band index.
      • getSampleModel

        public SampleModel getSampleModel()
        Returns a SampleModel based on the settings encapsulated within this object. The width and height of the SampleModel will be set to arbitrary values.
        a SampleModel with arbitrary dimensions.
      • getSampleModel

        public SampleModel getSampleModel(int width,
                                 int height)
        Returns a SampleModel based on the settings encapsulated within this object. The width and height of the SampleModel will be set to the supplied values.
        width - the desired width of the returned SampleModel.
        height - the desired height of the returned SampleModel.
        a SampleModel with the given dimensions.
        IllegalArgumentException - if either width or height are negative or zero.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the product of width and height is greater than Integer.MAX_VALUE
      • getColorModel

        public ColorModel getColorModel()
        Returns the ColorModel specified by this object.
        a ColorModel.
      • createBufferedImage

        public BufferedImage createBufferedImage(int width,
                                        int height)
        Creates a BufferedImage with a given width and height according to the specification embodied in this object.
        width - the desired width of the returned BufferedImage.
        height - the desired height of the returned BufferedImage.
        a new BufferedImage
        IllegalArgumentException - if either width or height are negative or zero.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the product of width and height is greater than Integer.MAX_VALUE, or if the number of array elements needed to store the image is greater than Integer.MAX_VALUE.
      • equals

        public boolean equals(Object o)
        Returns true if the given Object is an ImageTypeSpecifier and has a SampleModel and ColorModel that are equal to those of this object.
        equals in class Object
        o - the Object to be compared for equality.
        true if the given object is an equivalent ImageTypeSpecifier.
        See Also:
        Object.hashCode(), HashMap

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Document créé le 30/08/2006, dernière modification le 04/03/2020
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