
Interface CharacterIterator

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Subinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    Segment, StringCharacterIterator

    public interface CharacterIterator
    extends Cloneable
    This interface defines a protocol for bidirectional iteration over text. The iterator iterates over a bounded sequence of characters. Characters are indexed with values beginning with the value returned by getBeginIndex() and continuing through the value returned by getEndIndex()-1.

    Iterators maintain a current character index, whose valid range is from getBeginIndex() to getEndIndex(); the value getEndIndex() is included to allow handling of zero-length text ranges and for historical reasons. The current index can be retrieved by calling getIndex() and set directly by calling setIndex(), first(), and last().

    The methods previous() and next() are used for iteration. They return DONE if they would move outside the range from getBeginIndex() to getEndIndex() -1, signaling that the iterator has reached the end of the sequence. DONE is also returned by other methods to indicate that the current index is outside this range.


    Traverse the text from start to finish

     public void traverseForward(CharacterIterator iter) {
         for(char c = iter.first(); c != CharacterIterator.DONE; c = {
    Traverse the text backwards, from end to start
     public void traverseBackward(CharacterIterator iter) {
         for(char c = iter.last(); c != CharacterIterator.DONE; c = iter.previous()) {
    Traverse both forward and backward from a given position in the text. Calls to notBoundary() in this example represents some additional stopping criteria.
     public void traverseOut(CharacterIterator iter, int pos) {
         for (char c = iter.setIndex(pos);
                  c != CharacterIterator.DONE && notBoundary(c);
                  c = {
         int end = iter.getIndex();
         for (char c = iter.setIndex(pos);
                 c != CharacterIterator.DONE && notBoundary(c);
                 c = iter.previous()) {
         int start = iter.getIndex();
         processSection(start, end);
    See Also:
    StringCharacterIterator, AttributedCharacterIterator
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field and Description
      static char DONE
      Constant that is returned when the iterator has reached either the end or the beginning of the text.


    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      Object clone()
      Create a copy of this iterator
      char current()
      Gets the character at the current position (as returned by getIndex()).
      char first()
      Sets the position to getBeginIndex() and returns the character at that position.
      int getBeginIndex()
      Returns the start index of the text.
      int getEndIndex()
      Returns the end index of the text.
      int getIndex()
      Returns the current index.
      char last()
      Sets the position to getEndIndex()-1 (getEndIndex() if the text is empty) and returns the character at that position.
      char next()
      Increments the iterator's index by one and returns the character at the new index.
      char previous()
      Decrements the iterator's index by one and returns the character at the new index.
      char setIndex(int position)
      Sets the position to the specified position in the text and returns that character.


    • Field Detail

      • DONE

        static final char DONE
        Constant that is returned when the iterator has reached either the end or the beginning of the text. The value is '\\uFFFF', the "not a character" value which should not occur in any valid Unicode string.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • first

        char first()
        Sets the position to getBeginIndex() and returns the character at that position.
        the first character in the text, or DONE if the text is empty
        See Also:
      • last

        char last()
        Sets the position to getEndIndex()-1 (getEndIndex() if the text is empty) and returns the character at that position.
        the last character in the text, or DONE if the text is empty
        See Also:
      • current

        char current()
        Gets the character at the current position (as returned by getIndex()).
        the character at the current position or DONE if the current position is off the end of the text.
        See Also:
      • next

        char next()
        Increments the iterator's index by one and returns the character at the new index. If the resulting index is greater or equal to getEndIndex(), the current index is reset to getEndIndex() and a value of DONE is returned.
        the character at the new position or DONE if the new position is off the end of the text range.
      • previous

        char previous()
        Decrements the iterator's index by one and returns the character at the new index. If the current index is getBeginIndex(), the index remains at getBeginIndex() and a value of DONE is returned.
        the character at the new position or DONE if the current position is equal to getBeginIndex().
      • setIndex

        char setIndex(int position)
        Sets the position to the specified position in the text and returns that character.
        position - the position within the text. Valid values range from getBeginIndex() to getEndIndex(). An IllegalArgumentException is thrown if an invalid value is supplied.
        the character at the specified position or DONE if the specified position is equal to getEndIndex()
      • getBeginIndex

        int getBeginIndex()
        Returns the start index of the text.
        the index at which the text begins.
      • getEndIndex

        int getEndIndex()
        Returns the end index of the text. This index is the index of the first character following the end of the text.
        the index after the last character in the text
      • getIndex

        int getIndex()
        Returns the current index.
        the current index.
      • clone

        Object clone()
        Create a copy of this iterator
        A copy of this

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Document créé le 11/06/2005, dernière modification le 04/03/2020
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