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wkhtmltox\Image\Converter: : _ _construct

(wkhtmltox >= 0.1.0)

wkhtmltox\Image\Converter::__constructCreate a new Image converter


public wkhtmltox\Image\Converter::__construct ([ string $buffer [, array $settings ]] )

Creates an Image converter, optionally taking an input buffer and configuration settings

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Name Description Values Changelog
in URL or path of the input file, if "-" stdin is used /path/to/markup.html >= 0.1.0
out path of output file, if "-" stdout is used, by default an internal buffer is used /path/to/output.png >= 0.1.0
fmt output format to use
"" default
jpg output as JPEG
png output as PNG
bmp output as bitmap
svg output as SVG
>= 0.1.0
transparent when outputting a PNG or SVG, make the white background transparent boolean >= 0.1.0
screenWidth the with of the screen used to render in pixels 800 >= 0.1.0
smartWidth when true, screenWidth is expanded to the content width boolean >= 0.1.0
quality compression factor to use when outputting a JPEG image 94 >= 0.1.0
crop.left left/x coordinate of the window to capture in pixels 200 >= 0.1.0 top/y coordinate of the window to capture in pixels 200 >= 0.1.0
crop.width width of the window to capture in pixels 200 >= 0.1.0
crop.height height of the window to capture in pixels 200 >= 0.1.0
load.cookieJar path of file used to load and store cookies /tmp/cookies.txt >= 0.1.0
load.username user name to use when loging into a website bart >= 0.1.0
load.password the password to used when logging into a website elbarto >= 0.1.0
load.jsdelay the amount of time in milliseconds to wait after a page is loaded until it is captured 1200 >= 0.1.0
load.zoomFactor how much zoom should be applied to the content 2.2 >= 0.1.0
load.customHeaders custom headers to send when requesting the main web page   >= 0.1.0
load.repertCustomHeaders set true to send with all requests boolean >= 0.1.0
load.cookies cookie string to send when requesting the main web page   >= 0.1.0 post string to send when requesting the main web page   >= 0.1.0
load.blockLocalFileAccess disallow local and piped files to access other local files boolean >= 0.1.0
load.stopSlowScript stop slow running javascript boolean  
load.debugJavascript allow javascript to raise warnings boolean >= 0.1.0
load.loadErrorHandling set error handling strategy
abort abort the convertion process
skip do not add the object to the final output
ignore try to add the object to the final output
>= 0.1.0
load.proxy     >= 0.1.0
web.background include background image in output boolean >= 0.1.0
web.loadImages include images in output boolean >= 0.1.0
web.enableJavascript enable or disable javascript boolean >= 0.1.0
web.enableIntelligentShrinking enable to attempt to fit more content on page, only applies to PDF output boolean >= 0.1.0
web.minimumFontSize the minimum font size allowed 9 >= 0.1.0
web.printMediaType print content using print media type instead of screen media type boolean >= 0.1.0
web.defaultEncoding content to use where no encoding is specified utf-8 >= 0.1.0
web.userStyleSheet URL or path to a user specified style sheet /path/to/style.css >= 0.1.0
web.enablePlugins enable or disable NS plugins boolean >= 0.1.0

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Thank you in advance.

Document created the 30/01/2003, last modified the 26/10/2018
Source of the printed document:

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