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(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5, PHP 7)

openssl_csr_newGenerates a CSR


openssl_csr_new ( array $dn , resource &$privkey [, array $configargs [, array $extraattribs ]] ) : mixed

openssl_csr_new() generates a new CSR (Certificate Signing Request) based on the information provided by dn.

Note: You need to have a valid openssl.cnf installed for this function to operate correctly. See the notes under the installation section for more information.

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The Distinguished Name or subject fields to be used in the certificate.


privkey should be set to a private key that was previously generated by openssl_pkey_new() (or otherwise obtained from the other openssl_pkey family of functions). The corresponding public portion of the key will be used to sign the CSR.


By default, the information in your system openssl.conf is used to initialize the request; you can specify a configuration file section by setting the config_section_section key of configargs. You can also specify an alternative openssl configuration file by setting the value of the config key to the path of the file you want to use. The following keys, if present in configargs behave as their equivalents in the openssl.conf, as listed in the table below.

Configuration overrides
configargs key type openssl.conf equivalent description
digest_alg string default_md Digest method or signature hash, usually one of openssl_get_md_methods()
x509_extensions string x509_extensions Selects which extensions should be used when creating an x509 certificate
req_extensions string req_extensions Selects which extensions should be used when creating a CSR
private_key_bits integer default_bits Specifies how many bits should be used to generate a private key
private_key_type integer none Specifies the type of private key to create. This can be one of OPENSSL_KEYTYPE_DSA, OPENSSL_KEYTYPE_DH, OPENSSL_KEYTYPE_RSA or OPENSSL_KEYTYPE_EC. The default value is OPENSSL_KEYTYPE_RSA.
encrypt_key boolean encrypt_key Should an exported key (with passphrase) be encrypted?
encrypt_key_cipher integer none One of cipher constants.
curve_name string none One of openssl_get_curve_names().
config string N/A Path to your own alternative openssl.conf file.


extraattribs is used to specify additional configuration options for the CSR. Both dn and extraattribs are associative arrays whose keys are converted to OIDs and applied to the relevant part of the request.

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Return Values

Returns the CSR or FALSE on failure.

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Version Description
7.1.0 configargs now also supports curve_name.

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Example #1 Creating a self-signed certificate

// for SSL server certificates the commonName is the domain name to be secured
// for S/MIME email certificates the commonName is the owner of the email address
// location and identification fields refer to the owner of domain or email subject to be secured
$dn = array(
"countryName" => "GB",
"stateOrProvinceName" => "Somerset",
"localityName" => "Glastonbury",
"organizationName" => "The Brain Room Limited",
"organizationalUnitName" => "PHP Documentation Team",
"commonName" => "Wez Furlong",
"emailAddress" => ""

// Generate a new private (and public) key pair
$privkey openssl_pkey_new(array(
"private_key_bits" => 2048,
"private_key_type" => OPENSSL_KEYTYPE_RSA,

// Generate a certificate signing request
$csr openssl_csr_new($dn$privkey, array('digest_alg' => 'sha256'));

// Generate a self-signed cert, valid for 365 days
$x509 openssl_csr_sign($csrnull$privkey$days=365, array('digest_alg' => 'sha256'));

// Save your private key, CSR and self-signed cert for later use
openssl_csr_export($csr$csrout) and var_dump($csrout);
openssl_x509_export($x509$certout) and var_dump($certout);
openssl_pkey_export($privkey$pkeyout"mypassword") and var_dump($pkeyout);

// Show any errors that occurred here
while (($e openssl_error_string()) !== false) {
$e "\n";

Example #2 Creating a self-signed ECC certificate (as of PHP 7.1.0)

= array(
"commonName" => "",

// Generate a new private (and public) key pair
$private_key openssl_pkey_new(array(
"private_key_type" => OPENSSL_KEYTYPE_EC,
"curve_name" => 'prime256v1',

// Generate a certificate signing request
$csr openssl_csr_new($subject$private_key, array('digest_alg' => 'sha384'));

// Generate self-signed EC cert
$x509 openssl_csr_sign($csrnull$private_key$days=365, array('digest_alg' => 'sha384'));

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See Also

  • openssl_csr_sign() - Sign a CSR with another certificate (or itself) and generate a certificate

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Document created the 30/01/2003, last modified the 26/10/2018
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