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This extension is deprecated. Instead, the MongoDB extension should be used.

The MongoDB PHP driver should work on nearly any system: Windows, macOS, Unix, and Linux; little- and big-endian machines; 32- and 64-bit machines; PHP 5.3 through 5.6 (versions prior to 1.6 also support PHP 5.2).

This » PECL extension is not bundled with PHP.

Manual Installation

For driver developers and people interested in the latest bugfixes, you can compile the driver from the latest source code on » Github. Go to Github and click the "download" button. Then run:

$ tar zxvf mongo-php-driver-legacy-<commit_id>.tar.gz
$ cd mongo-php-driver-legacy-<commit_id>
$ phpize
$ ./configure
$ make all
$ sudo make install

Make the following changes to php.ini:

  • Make sure the extension_dir variable is pointing to the directory containing The build will display where it is installing the PHP driver with output that looks something like:

    Installing '/usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/'
    Make sure that it is the same as the PHP extension directory by running:
    $ php -i | grep extension_dir
      extension_dir => /usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613 =>
    If it's not, change the extension_dir in php.ini or move

  • To load the extension on PHP startup, add a line:

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Installing on *NIX


$ sudo pecl install mongo

Add the following line to your php.ini file:

If pecl runs out of memory while installing, make sure memory_limit in php.ini is set to at least 128MB.

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Installing on Windows

Precompiled binaries for each release are available from » PECL for a variety of combinations of versions, thread safety, and VC libraries. Unzip the archive and put php_mongo.dll in your PHP extension directory ("ext" by default).

Add the following line to your php.ini file:


Note: Additional DLL dependencies for Windows Users

In order for this extension to work, there are DLL files that must be available to the Windows system PATH. For information on how to do this, see the FAQ entitled "How do I add my PHP directory to the PATH on Windows". Although copying DLL files from the PHP folder into the Windows system directory also works (because the system directory is by default in the system's PATH), this is not recommended. This extension requires the following files to be in the PATH: libsasl.dll

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In most cases installing from PECL is the easiest way:

$ sudo pecl install mongo

If your system has multiple version of PHP installed (e.g. macOS default, Homebrew, » XAMPP), note that that each version of PHP has its own pecl command and php.ini file.

Note: Xcode dependency for compiling on macOS

Compiling the driver on macOS will require Xcode developer tools, which may be installed with xcode-select --install. If that command is not available, you may first need to install the » Command Line Tools package.

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Gentoo has a package for the PHP PECL driver called dev-php/pecl-mongo, which can be installed with:

$ sudo emerge -va dev-php/pecl-mongo

If you use PECL, you may get an error that libtool is the wrong version. Compiling from source you'll need to run aclocal and autoconf.

$ phpize
$ aclocal 
$ autoconf 
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

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Red Hat

This includes Fedora and CentOS.

The default Apache settings on these systems do not let requests make network connections, meaning that the driver will get "Permission denied" errors when it tries to connect to the database. If you run into this, try running:

$ /usr/sbin/setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1
Then restart Apache. (This issue has also occurred with SELinux.)

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Third-Party Installation Instructions

A number of people have created excellent tutorials on installing the PHP driver.

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English translation

You have asked to visit this site in English. For now, only the interface is translated, but not all the content yet.

If you want to help me in translations, your contribution is welcome. All you need to do is register on the site, and send me a message asking me to add you to the group of translators, which will give you the opportunity to translate the pages you want. A link at the bottom of each translated page indicates that you are the translator, and has a link to your profile.

Thank you in advance.

Document created the 30/01/2003, last modified the 26/10/2018
Source of the printed document:

The infobrol is a personal site whose content is my sole responsibility. The text is available under CreativeCommons license (BY-NC-SA). More info on the terms of use and the author.


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