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The Yaf_Config_Ini class

(Yaf >=1.0.0)


Yaf_Config_Ini enables developers to store configuration data in a familiar INI format and read them in the application by using nested object property syntax. The INI format is specialized to provide both the ability to have a hierarchy of configuration data keys and inheritance between configuration data sections. Configuration data hierarchies are supported by separating the keys with the dot or period character ("."). A section may extend or inherit from another section by following the section name with a colon character (":") and the name of the section from which data are to be inherited.


Yaf_Config_Ini utilizes the » parse_ini_file() PHP function. Please review this documentation to be aware of its specific behaviors, which propagate to Yaf_Config_Ini, such as how the special values of "TRUE", "FALSE", "yes", "no", and "NULL" are handled.

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Class synopsis

Yaf_Config_Ini extends Yaf_Config_Abstract implements Iterator , ArrayAccess , Countable {
/* Properties */
/* Methods */
public __construct ( string $config_file [, string $section ] )
public count ( void ) : void
public current ( void ) : void
public __get ([ string $name ] ) : void
public __isset ( string $name ) : void
public key ( void ) : void
public next ( void ) : void
public offsetExists ( string $name ) : void
public offsetGet ( string $name ) : void
public offsetSet ( string $name , string $value ) : void
public offsetUnset ( string $name ) : void
public readonly ( void ) : void
public rewind ( void ) : void
public __set ( string $name , mixed $value ) : void
public toArray ( void ) : array
public valid ( void ) : void
/* Inherited methods */
abstract public Yaf_Config_Abstract::get ( string $name , mixed $value ) : mixed
abstract public Yaf_Config_Abstract::readonly ( void ) : bool
abstract public Yaf_Config_Abstract::set ( void ) : Yaf_Config_Abstract
abstract public Yaf_Config_Abstract::toArray ( void ) : array

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Example #1 Yaf_Config_Ini()example

This example illustrates a basic use of Yaf_Config_Ini for loading configuration data from an INI file. In this example there are configuration data for both a production system and for a staging system. Because the staging system configuration data are very similar to those for production, the staging section inherits from the production section. In this case, the decision is arbitrary and could have been written conversely, with the production section inheriting from the staging section, though this may not be the case for more complex situations. Suppose, then, that the following configuration data are contained in /path/to/config.ini:

; Production site configuration data
webhost                  =
database.adapter         = pdo_mysql     =
database.params.username = dbuser
database.params.password = secret
database.params.dbname   = dbname
; Staging site configuration data inherits from production and
; overrides values as necessary
[staging : production]     =
database.params.username = devuser
database.params.password = devsecret
= new Yaf_Config_Ini('/path/to/config.ini''staging');

The above example will output something similar to:

string(15) ""
string(6) "dbname"
string(7) "devuser

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Document created the 30/01/2003, last modified the 26/10/2018
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