Thumb I remember the future - september 16, 2051 ->4Thumb Fallen - Tribulations d'un ange déchuThumb When you're born in the gutter you end up in the portThumb Clane LinnThumb Soylent Green

When you're born in the gutter you end up in the port

Once upon a time there was an inventor so gifted that he could create life. A truly remarkable man.
Since he had no wife or children he decided to create them in his laboratory. He started with wife and fas into the most beautiful princess in the world. Alas, a wicked genetic fairy cast a spell on the inventor so much so that the princess was only knee height or less. He then cloned six children in his own image, faithful, hardworking. They were so alike no one could tell them apart. But fate tricked him again, giving them all sleeping sickness. Craving someone to talk to he grew in a fish-tank a poor migraine-ridden brain. And then at last he created his masterpiece more intelligent then the most intelligent man on Earth.
L'oncle Irvin: But alas the inventor made a serious mistake. While his creation was intelligent he never ever had a dream. You can't image how his sadness made him quickly he grow old.
The City of Lost Children

11 favorites and 11 comments

  • Andréa Doria sur facebookAndréa Doria
  • Bernard Sabatier sur facebookBernard Sabatier
  • Cristel harfang69 sur flickrCristel harfang69
  • Darmë sur flickrDarmë
  • Isabelle Desait sur facebookIsabelle Desait
  • Julie Vandebosch sur 500pxJulie Vandebosch
  • lddb72 sur flickrlddb72
  • manodeil sur flickrmanodeil (Marie-Noëlle Deil)
  • Nath Heinen sur facebookNath Heinen
  • Wojciech Mikoś sur flickrWojciech Mikoś
  • Yves Marneffe sur facebookYves Marneffe
  • Giuseppe Palumbo sur 500pxGiuseppe Palumbo -
    fumi oui fog photoshop ?
    • Stéphane GaudrySteph (Stéphane Gaudry) -
      @Giuseppe Palumbo: No, il fumo si ottiene usando il fumo per sublimare i raggi di luce
  • Rakan Roll sur 500pxRakan Roll -
    beautiful shot , voted and faved
  • Daniël Van Hoecke sur 500pxDaniël Van Hoecke -
    Great shot, Beautiful done ! Congrats !
  • Darmë sur flickrDarmë (Darmé Doublesis) -
    bon bein je remets mon com : Belle image, belle ambiance ;)
  • Remy Frints sur 500pxRemy Frints -
    Makes me think of the movie \'La cité des enfants perdus\'...thanks for that reminder, I must watch this movie once more... Great shot!
  • bestarns [] sur flickrbestarns [] (Sébastien ERNEST) -
    ouaiii l'ambiance elle déglingue et le traitement toujours au top !!
  • matdur69 sur flickrmatdur69 (MatDur) -
    awesome atmosphere!excellent work!
  • lddb72 sur flickrlddb72 -
    Incroyable lumière et très belle mise en scène
  • Redg'in Cuppers sur facebookRedg'in Cuppers -
    Une mise au vert ?
    • Steph sur facebookSteph -
      Oui exactement. Un grand besoin de mise au vert :-)

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Document created the 31/01/2014, last modified the 27/09/2024
Source of the printed document:

The infobrol is a personal site whose content is my sole responsibility. The text is available under CreativeCommons license (BY-NC-SA). The photos are under Creative Commons license (BY-NC-ND).More info on the terms of use and the author.

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