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Chapter 31 MySQL Workbench

MySQL Workbench provides a graphical tool for working with MySQL servers and databases. MySQL Workbench fully supports MySQL versions 5.5 and higher.

The following discussion briefly describes MySQL Workbench capabilities. For more information, see the MySQL Workbench manual, available at

MySQL Workbench provides five main areas of functionality:

  • SQL Development: Enables you to create and manage connections to database servers. As well as enabling you to configure connection parameters, MySQL Workbench provides the capability to execute SQL queries on the database connections using the built-in SQL Editor. This functionality replaces that previously provided by the Query Browser standalone application.

  • Data Modeling: Enables you to create models of your database schema graphically, reverse and forward engineer between a schema and a live database, and edit all aspects of your database using the comprehensive Table Editor. The Table Editor provides easy-to-use facilities for editing Tables, Columns, Indexes, Triggers, Partitioning, Options, Inserts and Privileges, Routines and Views.

  • Server Administration: Enables you to create and administer server instances.

  • Data Migration: Allows you to migrate from Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase ASE, SQLite, SQL Anywhere, PostreSQL, and other RDBMS tables, objects and data to MySQL. Migration also supports migrating from earlier versions of MySQL to the latest releases.

  • MySQL Enterprise Support: Support for Enterprise products such as MySQL Enterprise Backup and MySQL Audit.

MySQL Workbench is available in two editions, the Community Edition and the Commercial Edition. The Community Edition is available free of charge. The Commercial Edition provides additional Enterprise features, such as database documentation generation, at low cost.

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Document created the 26/06/2006, last modified the 26/10/2018
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