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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL Transaction Summary Tables

The Performance Schema maintains tables for collecting current and recent transaction events, and aggregates that information in summary tables. Section 26.12.7, “Performance Schema Transaction Tables” describes the events on which transaction summaries are based. See that discussion for information about the content of transaction events, the current and historical transaction event tables, and how to control transaction event collection, which is disabled by default.

Example transaction event summary information:

  1. mysql> SELECT *
  2.        FROM performance_schema.events_transactions_summary_global_by_event_name
  3.        LIMIT 1\G
  4. *************************** 1. row ***************************
  5.           EVENT_NAME: transaction
  6.           COUNT_STAR: 5
  7.       SUM_TIMER_WAIT: 19550092000
  8.       MIN_TIMER_WAIT: 2954148000
  9.       AVG_TIMER_WAIT: 3910018000
  10.       MAX_TIMER_WAIT: 5486275000
  11.     COUNT_READ_WRITE: 5
  12. SUM_TIMER_READ_WRITE: 19550092000
  13. MIN_TIMER_READ_WRITE: 2954148000
  14. AVG_TIMER_READ_WRITE: 3910018000
  15. MAX_TIMER_READ_WRITE: 5486275000
  16.      COUNT_READ_ONLY: 0

Each transaction summary table has one or more grouping columns to indicate how the table aggregates events. Event names refer to names of event instruments in the setup_instruments table:

Each transaction summary table has these summary columns containing aggregated values:


    These columns are analogous to the columns of the same names in the wait event summary tables (see Section, “Wait Event Summary Tables”), except that the transaction summary tables aggregate events from events_transactions_current rather than events_waits_current. These columns summarize read-write and read-only transactions.


    These are similar to the COUNT_STAR and xxx_TIMER_WAIT columns, but summarize read-write transactions only. The transaction access mode specifies whether transactions operate in read/write or read-only mode.


    These are similar to the COUNT_STAR and xxx_TIMER_WAIT columns, but summarize read-only transactions only. The transaction access mode specifies whether transactions operate in read/write or read-only mode.

The transaction summary tables have these indexes:

TRUNCATE TABLE is permitted for transaction summary tables. It has these effects:

  • For summary tables not aggregated by account, host, or user, truncation resets the summary columns to zero rather than removing rows.

  • For summary tables aggregated by account, host, or user, truncation removes rows for accounts, hosts, or users with no connections, and resets the summary columns to zero for the remaining rows.

In addition, each transaction summary table that is aggregated by account, host, user, or thread is implicitly truncated by truncation of the connection table on which it depends, or truncation of events_transactions_summary_global_by_event_name. For details, see Section 26.12.8, “Performance Schema Connection Tables”.

Transaction Aggregation Rules

Transaction event collection occurs without regard to isolation level, access mode, or autocommit mode.

Transaction event collection occurs for all non-aborted transactions initiated by the server, including empty transactions.

Read-write transactions are generally more resource intensive than read-only transactions, therefore transaction summary tables include separate aggregate columns for read-write and read-only transactions.

Resource requirements may also vary with transaction isolation level. However, presuming that only one isolation level would be used per server, aggregation by isolation level is not provided.

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Document created the 26/06/2006, last modified the 26/10/2018
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