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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL Slave Errors During Replication

If a statement produces the same error (identical error code) on both the master and the slave, the error is logged, but replication continues.

If a statement produces different errors on the master and the slave, the slave SQL thread terminates, and the slave writes a message to its error log and waits for the database administrator to decide what to do about the error. This includes the case that a statement produces an error on the master or the slave, but not both. To address the issue, connect to the slave manually and determine the cause of the problem. SHOW SLAVE STATUS is useful for this. Then fix the problem and run START SLAVE. For example, you might need to create a nonexistent table before you can start the slave again.


If a temporary error is recorded in the slave's error log, you do not necessarily have to take any action suggested in the quoted error message. Temporary errors should be handled by the client retrying the transaction. For example, if the slave SQL thread records a temporary error relating to a deadlock, you do not need to restart the transaction manually on the slave, unless the slave SQL thread subsequently terminates with a nontemporary error message.

If this error code validation behavior is not desirable, some or all errors can be masked out (ignored) with the --slave-skip-errors option.

For nontransactional storage engines such as MyISAM, it is possible to have a statement that only partially updates a table and returns an error code. This can happen, for example, on a multiple-row insert that has one row violating a key constraint, or if a long update statement is killed after updating some of the rows. If that happens on the master, the slave expects execution of the statement to result in the same error code. If it does not, the slave SQL thread stops as described previously.

If you are replicating between tables that use different storage engines on the master and slave, keep in mind that the same statement might produce a different error when run against one version of the table, but not the other, or might cause an error for one version of the table, but not the other. For example, since MyISAM ignores foreign key constraints, an INSERT or UPDATE statement accessing an InnoDB table on the master might cause a foreign key violation but the same statement performed on a MyISAM version of the same table on the slave would produce no such error, causing replication to stop.

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Document created the 26/06/2006, last modified the 26/10/2018
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