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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL Optimizing for BLOB Types

  • When storing a large blob containing textual data, consider compressing it first. Do not use this technique when the entire table is compressed by InnoDB or MyISAM.

  • For a table with several columns, to reduce memory requirements for queries that do not use the BLOB column, consider splitting the BLOB column into a separate table and referencing it with a join query when needed.

  • Since the performance requirements to retrieve and display a BLOB value might be very different from other data types, you could put the BLOB-specific table on a different storage device or even a separate database instance. For example, to retrieve a BLOB might require a large sequential disk read that is better suited to a traditional hard drive than to an SSD device.

  • See Section, “Optimizing for Character and String Types” for reasons why a binary VARCHAR column is sometimes preferable to an equivalent BLOB column.

  • Rather than testing for equality against a very long text string, you can store a hash of the column value in a separate column, index that column, and test the hashed value in queries. (Use the MD5() or CRC32() function to produce the hash value.) Since hash functions can produce duplicate results for different inputs, you still include a clause AND blob_column = long_string_value in the query to guard against false matches; the performance benefit comes from the smaller, easily scanned index for the hashed values.

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Document created the 26/06/2006, last modified the 26/10/2018
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