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22.4.27 ndb_show_tables — Display List of NDB Tables

ndb_show_tables displays a list of all NDB database objects in the cluster. By default, this includes not only both user-created tables and NDB system tables, but NDB-specific indexes, internal triggers, and NDB Cluster Disk Data objects as well.

The following table includes options that are specific to the NDB Cluster native backup restoration program ndb_show_tables. Additional descriptions follow the table. For options common to most NDB Cluster programs (including ndb_show_tables), see Section 22.4.31, “Options Common to NDB Cluster Programs — Options Common to NDB Cluster Programs”.

Table 22.356 Command-line options for the ndb_show_tables program

Format Description Added, Deprecated, or Removed



Specifies the database in which the table is found

All NDB 8.0 releases



Number of times to repeat output

All NDB 8.0 releases



Return output suitable for MySQL LOAD DATA INFILE statement

All NDB 8.0 releases


Show table temporary flag

All NDB 8.0 releases



Limit output to objects of this type

All NDB 8.0 releases



Do not qualify table names

All NDB 8.0 releases


ndb_show_tables [-c connection_string]
  • --database, -d

    Specifies the name of the database in which the tables are found. If this option has not been specified, and no tables are found in the TEST_DB database, ndb_show_tables issues a warning.

  • --loops, -l

    Specifies the number of times the utility should execute. This is 1 when this option is not specified, but if you do use the option, you must supply an integer argument for it.

  • --parsable, -p

    Using this option causes the output to be in a format suitable for use with LOAD DATA.

  • --show-temp-status

    If specified, this causes temporary tables to be displayed.

  • --type, -t

    Can be used to restrict the output to one type of object, specified by an integer type code as shown here:

    • 1: System table

    • 2: User-created table

    • 3: Unique hash index

    Any other value causes all NDB database objects to be listed (the default).

  • --unqualified, -u

    If specified, this causes unqualified object names to be displayed.


Only user-created NDB Cluster tables may be accessed from MySQL; system tables such as SYSTAB_0 are not visible to mysqld. However, you can examine the contents of system tables using NDB API applications such as ndb_select_all (see Section 22.4.24, “ndb_select_all — Print Rows from an NDB Table”).

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Document created the 26/06/2006, last modified the 26/10/2018
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