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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL Other NDB Cluster Configuration Parameters

The listings in this section provide information about parameters used in the [computer], [tcp], [shm], and [sci] sections of a config.ini file for configuring NDB Cluster. For detailed descriptions and additional information about individual parameters, see Section, “NDB Cluster TCP/IP Connections”, Section, “NDB Cluster Shared-Memory Connections”, or Section, “SCI Transport Connections in NDB Cluster”, as appropriate.

The following parameters apply to the config.ini file's [computer] section:

  • HostName: Host name or IP address of this computer.

  • Id: A unique identifier for this computer.

The following parameters apply to the config.ini file's [tcp] section:

  • Checksum: If checksum is enabled, all signals between nodes are checked for errors

  • Group: Used for group proximity; smaller value is interpreted as being closer

  • NodeId1: ID of node (data node, API node, or management node) on one side of the connection

  • NodeId2: ID of node (data node, API node, or management node) on one side of the connection

  • NodeIdServer: Set server side of TCP connection

  • OverloadLimit: When more than this many unsent bytes are in the send buffer, the connection is considered overloaded.

  • PreSendChecksum: If this parameter and Checksum are both enabled, perform pre-send checksum checks, and check all TCP signals between nodes for errors

  • Proxy:

  • ReceiveBufferMemory: Bytes of buffer for signals received by this node

  • SendBufferMemory: Bytes of TCP buffer for signals sent from this node

  • SendSignalId: Sends ID in each signal. Used in trace files. Defaults to true in debug builds.

  • TCP_MAXSEG_SIZE: Value used for TCP_MAXSEG

  • TCP_RCV_BUF_SIZE: Value used for SO_RCVBUF

  • TCP_SND_BUF_SIZE: Value used for SO_SNDBUF

  • TcpBind_INADDR_ANY: Bind InAddrAny instead of host name for server part of connection

The following parameters apply to the config.ini file's [shm] section:

  • Checksum: If checksum is enabled, all signals between nodes are checked for errors

  • Group:

  • NodeId1: ID of node (data node, API node, or management node) on one side of the connection

  • NodeId2: ID of node (data node, API node, or management node) on one side of the connection

  • NodeIdServer: Set server side of SHM connection

  • OverloadLimit: When more than this many unsent bytes are in the send buffer, the connection is considered overloaded.

  • PreSendChecksum: If this parameter and Checksum are both enabled, perform pre-send checksum checks, and check all SHM signals between nodes for errors

  • SendBufferMemory: Bytes in shared memory buffer for signals sent from this node

  • SendSignalId: Sends ID in each signal. Used in trace files.

  • ShmKey: A shared memory key; when set to 1, this is calculated by NDB

  • ShmSpinTime: When receiving, number of microseconds to spin before sleeping

  • ShmSize: Size of shared memory segment

  • Signum: Signal number to be used for signalling

The following parameters apply to the config.ini file's [sci] section:

  • Checksum: If checksum is enabled, all signals between nodes are checked for errors

  • Group:

  • Host1SciId0: SCI-node ID for adapter 0 on Host1 (a computer can have two adapters)

  • Host1SciId1: SCI-node ID for adapter 1 on Host1 (a computer can have two adapters)

  • Host2SciId0: SCI-node ID for adapter 0 on Host2 (a computer can have two adapters)

  • Host2SciId1: SCI-node ID for adapter 1 on Host2 (a computer can have two adapters)

  • NodeId1: ID of node (data node, API node, or management node) on one side of the connection

  • NodeId2: ID of node (data node, API node, or management node) on one side of the connection

  • NodeIdServer:

  • OverloadLimit: When more than this many unsent bytes are in the send buffer, the connection is considered overloaded.

  • SendLimit: Transporter send buffer contents are sent when this number of bytes is buffered

  • SendSignalId: Sends ID in each signal. Used in trace files.

  • SharedBufferSize: Size of shared memory segment

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Document created the 26/06/2006, last modified the 26/10/2018
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