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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL NDB and InnoDB Workloads

NDB Cluster has a range of unique attributes that make it ideal to serve applications requiring high availability, fast failover, high throughput, and low latency. Due to its distributed architecture and multi-node implementation, NDB Cluster also has specific constraints that may keep some workloads from performing well. A number of major differences in behavior between the NDB and InnoDB storage engines with regard to some common types of database-driven application workloads are shown in the following table::

Table 22.2 Differences between InnoDB and NDB storage engines, common types of data-driven application workloads.

Workload InnoDB NDB Cluster (NDB)
High-Volume OLTP Applications Yes Yes
DSS Applications (data marts, analytics) Yes Limited (Join operations across OLTP datasets not exceeding 3TB in size)
Custom Applications Yes Yes
Packaged Applications Yes Limited (should be mostly primary key access); NDB Cluster 8.0 supports foreign keys
In-Network Telecoms Applications (HLR, HSS, SDP) No Yes
Session Management and Caching Yes Yes
E-Commerce Applications Yes Yes
User Profile Management, AAA Protocol Yes Yes

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Document created the 26/06/2006, last modified the 26/10/2018
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