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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL The log_status Table

The log_status table provides information that enables an online backup tool to copy the required log files without locking those resources for the duration of the copy process.

When the log_status table is queried, the server blocks logging and related administrative changes for just long enough to populate the table, then releases the resources. The log_status table informs the online backup which point it should copy up to in the master's binary log and gtid_executed record, and the relay log for each replication channel. It also provides relevant information for individual storage engines, such as the last log sequence number (LSN) and the LSN of the last checkpoint taken for the InnoDB storage engine.

The log_status table has these columns:


    The server UUID for this server instance. This is the generated unique value of the read-only system variable server_uuid.


    The log position state information from the master, provided as a single JSON object with the following keys:


    The name of the current binary log file.


    The current binary log position at the time the log_status table was accessed.


    The current value of the global server variable gtid_executed at the time the log_status table was accessed. This information is consistent with the binary_log_file and binary_log_position keys.


    A JSON array of channels, each with the following information:


    The name of the replication channel. The default replication channel's name is the empty string ().


    The name of the current relay log file for the replication channel.


    The current relay log position at the time the log_status table was accessed.


    Relevant information from individual storage engines, provided as a JSON object with one key for each applicable storage engine.

The log_status table has no indexes.

The BACKUP_ADMIN privilege is required for access to the log_status table.

TRUNCATE TABLE is not permitted for the log_status table.

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Document created the 26/06/2006, last modified the 26/10/2018
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