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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL InnoDB Lock and Lock-Wait Information


This section describes locking information as exposed by the Performance Schema data_locks and data_lock_waits tables, which supersede the INFORMATION_SCHEMA INNODB_LOCKS and INNODB_LOCK_WAITS tables in MySQL 8.0. For similar discussion written in terms of the older INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables, see InnoDB Lock and Lock-Wait Information in MySQL 5.7 Reference Manual.

When a transaction updates a row in a table, or locks it with SELECT FOR UPDATE, InnoDB establishes a list or queue of locks on that row. Similarly, InnoDB maintains a list of locks on a table for table-level locks. If a second transaction wants to update a row or lock a table already locked by a prior transaction in an incompatible mode, InnoDB adds a lock request for the row to the corresponding queue. For a lock to be acquired by a transaction, all incompatible lock requests previously entered into the lock queue for that row or table must be removed (which occurs when the transactions holding or requesting those locks either commit or roll back).

A transaction may have any number of lock requests for different rows or tables. At any given time, a transaction may request a lock that is held by another transaction, in which case it is blocked by that other transaction. The requesting transaction must wait for the transaction that holds the blocking lock to commit or roll back. If a transaction is not waiting for a lock, it is in a RUNNING state. If a transaction is waiting for a lock, it is in a LOCK WAIT state. (The INFORMATION_SCHEMA INNODB_TRX table indicates transaction state values.)

The Performance Schema data_locks table holds one or more rows for each LOCK WAIT transaction, indicating any lock requests that prevent its progress. This table also contains one row describing each lock in a queue of locks pending for a given row or table. The Performance Schema data_lock_waits table shows which locks already held by a transaction are blocking locks requested by other transactions.

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Document created the 26/06/2006, last modified the 26/10/2018
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