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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL Installing or Uninstalling MySQL Enterprise Firewall

MySQL Enterprise Firewall installation is a one-time operation that installs the components described in Section, “MySQL Enterprise Firewall Components”. Installation can be performed using a graphical interface or manually:

  • On Windows, MySQL Installer includes an option to enable MySQL Enterprise Firewall for you.

  • MySQL Workbench 6.3.4 or higher can install MySQL Enterprise Firewall, enable or disable an installed firewall, or uninstall the firewall.

  • Manual MySQL Enterprise Firewall installation involves running a script located in the share directory of your MySQL installation.


Read this entire section before following its instructions. Parts of the procedure differ depending on your environment.


If installed, MySQL Enterprise Firewall involves some minimal overhead even when disabled. To avoid this overhead, do not install the firewall unless you plan to use it.


MySQL Enterprise Firewall does not work together with the query cache. If the query cache is enabled, disable it before installing the firewall (see Query Cache Configuration).

For usage instructions, see Section, “Using MySQL Enterprise Firewall”. For reference information, see Section, “MySQL Enterprise Firewall Reference”.

Installing MySQL Enterprise Firewall

If MySQL Enterprise Firewall is already installed from an older version of MySQL, uninstall it using the instructions given later in this section and then restart your server before installing the current version. In this case, it is also necessary to register your configuration again.

On Windows, you can use MySQL Installer to install MySQL Enterprise Firewall, as shown in Figure 6.2, “MySQL Enterprise Firewall Installation on Windows”. Check the Enable Enterprise Firewall checkbox. (Open Firewall port for network access has a different purpose. It refers to Windows Firewall and controls whether Windows blocks the TCP/IP port on which the MySQL server listens for client connections.)

Figure 6.2 MySQL Enterprise Firewall Installation on Windows

Content is described in the surrounding text.

To install MySQL Enterprise Firewall using MySQL Workbench 6.3.4 or higher, see MySQL Enterprise Firewall Interface.

To install MySQL Enterprise Firewall manually, look in the share directory of your MySQL installation and choose the script that is appropriate for your platform. The available scripts differ in the suffix used to refer to the plugin library file:

  • win_install_firewall.sql: Choose this script for Windows systems that use .dll as the file name suffix.

  • linux_install_firewall.sql: Choose this script for Linux and similar systems that use .so as the file name suffix.

The installation script creates stored procedures in the default database, so choose a database to use. Then run the script as follows, naming the chosen database on the command line. The example here uses the mysql database and the Linux installation script. Make the appropriate substitutions for your system.

shell> mysql -u root -p mysql < linux_install_firewall.sql
Enter password: (enter root password here)

To use MySQL Enterprise Firewall in the context of master/slave replication, Group Replication, or InnoDB cluster, you must prepare the slave or secondary nodes prior to running the installation script on the master or primary node. This is necessary because the INSTALL PLUGIN statements in the script are not replicated.

  1. On each slave or secondary node, extract the INSTALL PLUGIN statements from the installation script and execute them manually.

  2. On the master or primary node, run the installation script as described previously.

Installing MySQL Enterprise Firewall either using a graphical interface or manually should enable the firewall. To verify that, connect to the server and execute this statement:

  1. mysql> SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE 'mysql_firewall_mode';
  2. +---------------------+-------+
  3. | Variable_name       | Value |
  4. +---------------------+-------+
  5. | mysql_firewall_mode | ON    |
  6. +---------------------+-------+

If the plugin fails to initialize, check the server error log for diagnostic messages.

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Uninstalling MySQL Enterprise Firewall

MySQL Enterprise Firewall can be uninstalled using MySQL Workbench or manually.

To uninstall MySQL Enterprise Firewall using MySQL Workbench 6.3.4 or higher, see MySQL Enterprise Firewall Interface.

To uninstall MySQL Enterprise Firewall manually, execute the following statements. It is assumed that the stored procedures were created in the mysql database. Adjust the DROP PROCEDURE statements appropriately if the procedures were created in a different database.

  1. DROP TABLE mysql.firewall_whitelist;
  2. DROP TABLE mysql.firewall_users;
  3. UNINSTALL PLUGIN mysql_firewall;
  4. UNINSTALL PLUGIN mysql_firewall_whitelist;
  5. UNINSTALL PLUGIN mysql_firewall_users;
  6. DROP FUNCTION set_firewall_mode;
  7. DROP FUNCTION normalize_statement;
  8. DROP FUNCTION read_firewall_whitelist;
  9. DROP FUNCTION read_firewall_users;
  10. DROP FUNCTION mysql_firewall_flush_status;
  11. DROP PROCEDURE mysql.sp_set_firewall_mode;
  12. DROP PROCEDURE mysql.sp_reload_firewall_rules;

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Document created the 26/06/2006, last modified the 26/10/2018
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