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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL Creating a FEDERATED Table Using CONNECTION

To use the first method, you must specify the CONNECTION string after the engine type in a CREATE TABLE statement. For example:

  1. CREATE TABLE federated_table (
  2.     id     INT(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  3.     name   VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  4.     other  INT(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  5.     PRIMARY KEY  (id),
  6.     INDEX name (name),
  7.     INDEX other_key (other)
  8. )
  10. CONNECTION='mysql://fed_user@remote_host:9306/federated/test_table';

CONNECTION replaces the COMMENT used in some previous versions of MySQL.

The CONNECTION string contains the information required to connect to the remote server containing the table that will be used to physically store the data. The connection string specifies the server name, login credentials, port number and database/table information. In the example, the remote table is on the server remote_host, using port 9306. The name and port number should match the host name (or IP address) and port number of the remote MySQL server instance you want to use as your remote table.

The format of the connection string is as follows:



  • scheme: A recognized connection protocol. Only mysql is supported as the scheme value at this point.

  • user_name: The user name for the connection. This user must have been created on the remote server, and must have suitable privileges to perform the required actions (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and so forth) on the remote table.

  • password: (Optional) The corresponding password for user_name.

  • host_name: The host name or IP address of the remote server.

  • port_num: (Optional) The port number for the remote server. The default is 3306.

  • db_name: The name of the database holding the remote table.

  • tbl_name: The name of the remote table. The name of the local and the remote table do not have to match.

Sample connection strings:

  1. CONNECTION='mysql://username:password@hostname:port/database/tablename'
  2. CONNECTION='mysql://username@hostname/database/tablename'
  3. CONNECTION='mysql://username:password@hostname/database/tablename'

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Document created the 26/06/2006, last modified the 26/10/2018
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