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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 71 to 80 of 192 total results
The utf16 character set is the ucs2 character set with an extension that enables encoding of supplementary characters: For a BMP character, utf16 and ucs2 have identical storage characteristics: same code values, same encoding, same length. For a ...
Note Prefix limits are measured in bytes, whereas the prefix length in CREATE TABLE, ALTER TABLE, and CREATE INDEX statements is interpreted as number of characters for nonbinary string types (CHAR, VARCHAR, TEXT) and number of bytes for binary ...
If you have a problem with tables containing dynamic-length rows and you are using only VARCHAR columns (not BLOB or TEXT columns), you can try to change all VARCHAR to CHAR with ALTER TABLE. Each MySQL version is tested on many platforms before it ...
MySQL supports foreign keys, which let you cross-reference related data across tables, and foreign key constraints, which help keep this spread-out data consistent. The index_name value is ignored if there is already an explicitly defined index on ...
In MySQL NDB Cluster, the table comment in a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement can also be used to specify an NDB_TABLE option, which consists of one or more name-value pairs, separated by commas if need be, following the string NDB_TABLE=.
The precise syntax and semantics depend on the storage engine used. MySQL NDB Cluster also supports tablespaces using the NDB storage engine. Considerations for InnoDB Considerations for NDB Cluster Options Notes InnoDB Examples NDB Example ...
(InnoDB compressed tables are readable and writable, while MyISAM compressed tables are read-only.) For MyISAM tables, if you do not have any variable-length columns (VARCHAR, TEXT, or BLOB columns), a fixed-size row format is used. You can hint ...
Examples: CREATE TABLE t1 ( i INT DEFAULT -1, c VARCHAR(10) DEFAULT '', price DOUBLE(16,2) DEFAULT 0.00 ); SERIAL DEFAULT VALUE is a special case. Data type specifications can have explicit or implicit default values. A DEFAULT value clause in a ...
An ENUM is a string object with a value chosen from a list of permitted values that are enumerated explicitly in the column specification at table creation time. It has these advantages: Compact data storage in situations where a column has a ...
The VARCHAR column type now retains trailing spaces in all storage engines. MEMORY tables (formerly known as HEAP tables) can also contain VARCHAR columns. Where can I find information on how to migrate from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0? A.8.2. How has ...
Displaying 71 to 80 of 192 total results

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Document created the 26/06/2006, last modified the 26/10/2018
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