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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 81 to 90 of 294 total results
UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_CATALOG The name of the catalog containing the unique constraint that the constraint references. UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA The name of the schema containing the unique constraint that the constraint references. The ...
A global transaction identifier (GTID) is a unique identifier created and associated with each transaction committed on the server of origin (the master). This identifier is unique not only to the server on which it originated, but is unique across ...GTID assignment distinguishes between client transactions, which are committed on the master, and replicated transactions, which are reproduced on a ...
On the new slave, edit the configuration and give the new slave a unique server ID (using the server_id system variable) that is not used by the master or any of the existing slaves. Also display the server ID and server UUID and verify that these ... You can add another slave to an existing replication configuration without stopping the ...
If the slave server ID is not already set, or the current value conflicts with the value that you have chosen for the master server, shut down the slave server and edit the [mysqld] section of the configuration file to specify a unique server ID. If ...If this has not already been done, this part of slave setup requires a server ...
For servers that are used in a replication topology, you must specify a unique server ID for each replication server, in the range from 1 to 232 − 1. “Unique” means that each ID must be different from every other ID in use by any other ... The ...
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statements on tables with multiple primary or unique keys. When executed against a table that contains more than one primary or unique key, this statement is considered unsafe, being sensitive to the order in which the ...
Master_id: The unique server ID of the master server that the slave server is replicating from. Slave_UUID: The globally unique ID of this slave, as generated on the slave and found in the slave's auto.cnf file. SHOW SLAVE HOSTS Displays a list of ...
The table_io_waits_summary_by_table table has these indexes: Unique index on (OBJECT_TYPE, OBJECT_SCHEMA, OBJECT_NAME) TRUNCATE TABLE is permitted for table I/O summary tables. The table_io_waits_summary_by_index_usage table has these indexes: ...
For example: SET time_zone = 'MET'; Unique UTC values stored in the TIMESTAMP column are not unique in the session time zone due to DST shifts. If the index is not UNIQUE, it is possible for the table (and the index) to store multiple instances of a ... Temporal values are stored in TIMESTAMP columns as UTC values, and values inserted into and retrieved from TIMESTAMP columns are converted between the session time zone and ...
mysqlx_document_id_unique_prefix Property Value Command-Line Format --mysqlx-document-id-unique-prefix=# System Variable mysqlx_document_id_unique_prefix Scope Global Dynamic Yes SET_VAR Hint Applies No Type Integer Default Value 0 Minimum Value 0 ... To control activation of X Plugin, use this option: --mysqlx[=value] Property Value Command-Line Format --mysqlx[=value] Introduced 8.0.11 Type Enumeration Default Value ON Valid Values ONOFFFORCEFORCE_PLUS_PERMANENT This option controls how the server loads X Plugin at ...
Displaying 81 to 90 of 294 total results

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Document created the 26/06/2006, last modified the 26/10/2018
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