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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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In MySQL, the gb18030 character set corresponds to the “Chinese National Standard GB 18030-2005: Information technology — Chinese coded character set”, which is the official character set of the People's Republic of China (PRC).
The VARCHAR column type now retains trailing spaces in all storage engines. Where can I find information on how to migrate from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0? A.8.2. How has storage engine (table type) support changed in MySQL 8.0 from previous versions? ...
Table 12.8 String Comparison Functions and Operators Name Description LIKE Simple pattern matching NOT LIKE Negation of simple pattern matching STRCMP() Compare two strings If a string function is given a binary string as an argument, the resulting ...
Leading and trailing spaces are automatically deleted from option names and values. Most MySQL programs can read startup options from option files (sometimes called configuration files). Option files provide a convenient way to specify commonly ...
A trailing slash is required when specifying a value for innodb_data_home_dir. System variables that are true or false can be enabled at server startup by naming them, or disabled by using a --skip- prefix. For example, to enable or disable the ...
The resulting value includes a trailing fractional seconds part if specified. MySQL 8.0 has fractional seconds support for TIME, DATETIME, and TIMESTAMP values, with up to microseconds (6 digits) precision: To define a column that includes a ...
In addition to the central configuration file, a cluster may also be controlled through a command-line interface available through the management client ndb_mgm. Commands for the event logs are given in Section 22.5.6, “Event Reports Generated in ...
Leading and trailing spaces not inside double quotation marks are ignored. Note PAM pluggable authentication is an extension included in MySQL Enterprise Edition, a commercial product. MySQL Enterprise Edition supports an authentication method that ...
The trailing nonnumeric text is stripped off and the remaining numeric part is inserted. INSERT [LOW_PRIORITY | DELAYED | HIGH_PRIORITY] [IGNORE] [INTO] tbl_name [PARTITION (partition_name [, partition_name] ...)] [(col_name [, col_name] ...)] ...
In a numeric context, MySQL automatically converts this string to a number and strips any trailing nonnumeric characters from it. Applications that access MySQL should not trust any data entered by users, who can try to trick your code by entering ...
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Document created the 26/06/2006, last modified the 26/10/2018
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