For InnoDB, all DML operations (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) involving columns with full-text indexes are processed at transaction commit time. Full-text searches are supported for InnoDB and MyISAM tables only. The exception is that for Unicode, the ...
For example: SELECT * FROM t WHERE partial_key=5 AND some_column=RAND(); If the optimizer can use partial_key to reduce the set of rows selected, RAND() is executed fewer times, which diminishes the effect of nondeterminism on optimization. A ...
This shows that you can use GET DIAGNOSTICS multiple times to retrieve information about a statement as long as the current diagnostics area has not been cleared. GET [CURRENT | STACKED] DIAGNOSTICS { statement_information_item [, ...
In this case, each time there is a change in value in any but the last grouping column, the query produces an extra super-aggregate summary row. The GROUP BY clause permits a WITH ROLLUP modifier that causes summary output to include extra rows ...
The process of starting a group for the first time is called bootstrapping. The bootstrap should only be done by a single server, the one that starts the group and only once. This is why the value of the group_replication_bootstrap_group option was ...
Transactions whose consistency level is not EVENTUAL hold execution until a timeout, configured by wait_timeout value is reached, which defaults to 8 hours. Although the Transaction Synchronization Points section explains that conceptually there ...
Group Replication ensures that a transaction only commits after a majority of the members in a group have received it and agreed on the relative order between all transactions that were sent concurrently. This approach works well if the total ...
This section explains how to inspect and configure the maximum number of consensus instances at any time for a group. Use the group_replication_get_write_concurrency() UDF to inspect a group's event horizon value at runtime by issuing: SELECT ...
The TCP peer-to-peer nature of the interconnections between N participants in the group makes the sender send the same amount of data N times. For messages sent between online group members, Group Replication enables message compression by default.
However, while you are in the process of upgrading an online group, in order to maximize availability, you might need to have members with different MySQL Server versions running at the same time. Group Replication is versioned according to the ...