Place your cursor at the end of the text appearing in the space marked Variable Value. On Windows, the recommended way to run MySQL is to install it as a Windows service, so that MySQL starts and stops automatically when Windows starts and stops. A ...
release_thd: A function that the server calls to inform the plugin that it is being dissociated from its thread context. They are called within the context of a specific thread, and a thread might perform an activity that produces several event ...
The syntax for the file is very simple: Comments are written as ordinary XML comments (<!-- text -->). This section discusses the procedure for adding a character set to MySQL. The proper procedure depends on whether the character set is simple or ...
By default, the name of a UDF argument is the text of the expression used to specify the argument. For the UDF mechanism to work, functions must be written in C++ and your operating system must support dynamic loading. MySQL source distributions ...
The ARCHIVE storage engine produces special-purpose tables that store large amounts of unindexed data in a very small footprint. To enable this storage engine if you build MySQL from source, invoke CMake with the -DWITH_ARCHIVE_STORAGE_ENGINE ...
By default, contents of audit log files produced by the audit log plugin are not encrypted and may contain sensitive information, such as the text of SQL statements. For security reasons, audit log files should be written to a directory accessible ...
filename See Section, “Executing SQL Statements from a Text File”, for more information. In the previous sections, you used mysql interactively to enter statements and view the results. If you want the script to continue even if some of ...
Passwords in statements written to the binary log are rewritten by the server not to occur literally in plain text. The binary log contains “events” that describe database changes such as table creation operations or changes to table data. It ...
You can send text or binary data in chunks to server using mysql_stmt_send_long_data(). The following list summarizes the functions available for prepared statement processing. For greater detail, see the descriptions in Section 28.6.10, “C API ...
This enables you to distinguish BINARY from CHAR, VARBINARY from VARCHAR, and the BLOB types from the TEXT types. Prepared statements transmit data between the client and server using C language variables on the client side that correspond to SQL ...