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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

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Examples: 2018-03-22T12:35:47.538083Z 0 [Note] [MY-012487] [InnoDB] InnoDB: DDL log recovery : begin 2018-03-22T12:35:47.550565Z 0 [Warning] [MY-010068] [Server] CA certificate /var/mysql/sslinfo/cacert.pem is self signed. Each error log sink ...
The idea of UTF-8 is that various Unicode characters are encoded using byte sequences of different lengths: Basic Latin letters, digits, and punctuation signs use one byte. The Unicode Standard includes characters from the Basic Multilingual Plane ...
This means it is the same as the official ISO 8859-1 or IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) latin1, except that IANA latin1 treats the code points between 0x80 and 0x9f as “undefined,” whereas cp1252, and therefore MySQL's latin1, assign ... Western European character sets cover most West European languages, such as French, Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Portuguese, Italian, Albanian, Dutch, German, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Faroese, Icelandic, Irish, Scottish, and ...
Designed to be fully multithreaded using kernel threads, to easily use multiple CPUs if they are available. Designed to make it relatively easy to add other storage engines. Data Types Many data types: signed/unsigned integers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8 ...
Another method of verifying the integrity and authenticity of a package is to use cryptographic signatures. To verify the signature for a specific package, you first need to obtain a copy of our public GPG build key, which you can download from ...
MySQL Enterprise Edition 5.6 and higher includes a set of encryption functions based on the OpenSSL library that expose OpenSSL capabilities at the SQL level. For other related Enterprise security features, see Section 30.3, “MySQL Enterprise ...
Enabling HTTPS is accomplished most easily through issuing a self-signed certificate. This section provides information on supported operating platforms and software, required software, and other prerequisites for running the NDB Cluster ...
Define Processes: Assign one or more processes of a given type or types to each cluster host. When this has been done, you can click Continue to proceed to the Define Cluster screen where you can assign a name to the new cluster. Each management ...
For more information, see Section, “SET Syntax for Variable Assignment”. To benefit from this effect, the slave servers must have slave_parallel_type=LOGICAL_CLOCK set, and the effect is more significant when ... Startup Options Used ...
This variable is mainly useful for testing and debugging the use of GTIDs when the client has explicitly assigned a GTID for the transaction by setting gtid_next. To append your specified GTID set to gtid_purged, use the following statement with a ... Startup Options Used with GTID Replication System Variables Used with GTID Replication The MySQL Server options and system variables described in this section are used to monitor and control Global Transaction Identifiers ...
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Document created the 26/06/2006, last modified the 26/10/2018
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